Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University's faculty, staff, students and alumni have earned personal and professional recognition in a variety of fields.

Widely recognized as one of the highest honors an individual can receive, the Nobel Prize is awarded annually in the areas of Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Economic Sciences, Physiology or Medicine, and Peace. Carnegie Mellon has been home to 21 Nobel Laureates in five of the six categories.

Geoffrey E. Hinton, School of Computer Science Former Faculty
Awarded jointly with John J. Hopfield
Physics, 2024

Lars Peter Hansen, Tepper School Former Faculty
Awarded jointly with Eugene F. Fama and Robert J. Shiller
Economic Sciences, 2013 

Dale T. Mortensen, Tepper School 1967*
Awarded jointly with Peter A. Diamond and Christopher A. Pissarides
Economic Sciences, 2010

Oliver E. Williamson
, Tepper School 1962, 1963
Awarded jointly with Elinor Ostrom
Economic Sciences, 2009

Ada E. Yonath, Mellon College of Science Post-Doctoral Fellow 1969
Awarded jointly with Venkatraman Ramakrishnan and Thomas A. Steitz
Chemistry, 2009

Edward Rubin, College of Engineering Faculty
Awarded as a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Peace, 2007

John L. Hall, College of Engineering 1956, 1961
Awarded jointly with one half to Roy J. Glauber and one half to Hall and Theodor W. Hänsch
Physics, 2005

Finn E. Kydland, Tepper School Faculty, Tepper School 1972, 1973
Awarded jointly with Edward C. Prescott, Tepper School Former Faculty, Tepper School 1967
Economic Sciences, 2004

Edward C. Prescott, Tepper School Former Faculty, Tepper School 1967
Awarded jointly with Finn E. Kydland, Tepper School Faculty, Tepper School 1972, 1973
Economic Sciences, 2004

Paul Lauterbur, Mellon Institute Former Researcher*
Awarded jointly with Sir Peter Mansfield
Physiology or Medicine, 2003

Walter Kohn, Mellon College of Science Former Faculty*
Awarded jointly with John A. Pople, Faculty
Chemistry, 1998

John A. Pople, Mellon College of Science Former Faculty* 
Awarded jointly with Walter Kohn, Faculty
Chemistry, 1998

Robert E. Lucas Jr., Tepper School Former Faculty

Economic Sciences, 1995

Clifford G. Shull, Mellon College of Science 1937*

Awarded jointly with Bertram N. Brockhouse
Physics, 1994

John F. Nash Jr., Mellon College of Science 1948*

Awarded jointly with John C. Harsanyi and Reinhard Selten
Economic Sciences, 1994

Merton H. Miller, Tepper School Former Faculty
Awarded jointly with Harry M. Markowitz and William F. Sharpe
Economic Sciences, 1990

Franco Modigliani, Tepper School Former Faculty
Economic Sciences, 1985

Herbert Simon, Dietrich College/School of Computer Science/Tepper School Former Faculty
Economic Sciences, 1978

Paul Flory, Mellon Institute Former Researcher*
Chemistry, 1974

Otto Stern, Mellon College of Science Former Faculty
Physics, 1943

Clinton J. Davisson, College of Engineering Former Faculty*
Awarded jointly with George P. Thomson
Physics, 1937

*Denotes faculty/alumni who are deceased.

Established in 2006, the Swedish Ministry of Justice annually recognizes an individual for outstanding achievements in criminological research or the application of research results by practitioners for the reduction of crime and the advancement of human rights. Learn more about the Stockholm Prize in Criminology.

Daniel S. Nagin, Heinz College Faculty, Tepper School 1971, Heinz College 1976

Alfred Blumstein, Heinz College Faculty

Named for "the father of computer science," Alan Mathison Turing, the award is given to an individual selected for contributions of a technical nature made to the computing community. It is considered to be the computing world's equivalent to the Nobel Prize and is awarded by the Association for Computing Machinery for contributions "of lasting and major technical importance to the computer field." Carnegie Mellon has been home to 13 Turing Award recipients. Learn more about the A.M. Turing Award.

Geoffrey Hinton, Computer Science Department Former Faculty
Awarded jointly with Yoshua Bengio and Yann LeCun

Shafi Goldwasser, Mellon College of Science 1979

Les Valiant, School of Computer Science Former Faculty

Edmund Clarke, School of Computer Science/College of Engineering Faculty                 
Awarded jointly with E. Allen Emerson and Josef Sifakis

Manuel Blum, School of Computer Science Faculty                 

Raj Reddy, School of Computer Science Faculty                 
Awarded jointly with Edward Feigenbaum (College of Engineering 1956, Tepper School 1960)

Edward Feigenbaum, College of Engineering 1956, Tepper School 1960
Awarded jointly with Raj Reddy (School of Computer Science Faculty)

Ivan Sutherland, College of Engineering 1959

Robert Floyd, School of Computer Science Former Faculty                  

Dana Scott, Dietrich College/Mellon College of Science/School of Computer Science Faculty                 
Awarded jointly with Michael Rabin

Allen Newell, School of Computer Science Former Faculty*
Awarded jointly with Herbert Simon, Dietrich College/School of Computer Science/Tepper School Faculty                  

Herbert Simon, Dietrich College/School of Computer Science/Tepper School Former Faculty*
Awarded jointly with Allen Newell, School of Computer Science Former Faculty

Alan Perlis, Mellon College of Science 1942, School of Computer Science Former Faculty*

National Academy of Medicine

This honorary organization provides science-based advice on matters of biomedical science, medicine and health. Carnegie Mellon has been home to six National Academy of Medicine members. Learn more about the National Academy of Medicine.

Bradley A. Malin, Mellon College of Science 2000; School of Computer Science 2002, 2006; Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy 2003

Martin Gaynor, Heinz College Faculty

Subra Suresh, Former College of Engineering Faculty and CMU President

Sheldon Cohen, Dietrich College Faculty

Baruch Fischhoff, Dietrich College Faculty

Lester Lave, Former Tepper School Faculty*

National Academy of Engineering

This honorary organization promotes the technological welfare of the nation by marshaling the knowledge and insights of eminent members of the engineering profession. Carnegie Mellon has been home to 65 National Academy of Engineering members. Learn more about the National Academy of Engineering.

Anirudh Devgan, College of Engineering 1991, 1993

William H. Sanders, Dean, College of Engineering

Stefan Savage, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences 1991

Elias Towe, College of Engineering Faculty

Zoltan J. Cendes, College of Engineering Adjunct Faculty

Sebastian Ceria, Tepper School of Business 1993

Erroll B. Davis Jr., College of Engineering 1965

Marija Illic, College of Engineering Faculty Emeritus

Kathryn Jackson, College of Engineering 1987, 1990

William D. Magwood IV, Mellon College of Science 1982, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences 1983

Sara Kiesler, School of Computer Science Faculty

Edward Frank, School of Computer Science 1985

Jennifer Hartt Elisseeff, Mellon College of Science 1994

Oliver C. Mullins, Mellon College of Science 1980, 1981

Harry Shum, School of Computer Science 1996

Sridhar Tayur, Tepper School of Business Faculty

Gérard  P. Cornuéjols, Tepper School of Business Faculty

Jonathan Caulkins, Heinz College Faculty

Alan Cramb, Former College of Engineering Faculty

Lorenz T. Biegler, College of Engineering Faculty

Donna G. Blackmond, College of Engineering 1984

Craig T. Bowman, College of Engineering 1961

David Dill, School of Computer Science 1983, 1987

Jose M.F. Moura, College of Engineering Faculty


Pradeep Sindhu, School of Computer Science 1983, 1984

Jared L. Cohon, President Emeritus, College of Engineering Faculty

Nadine N. Aubry, College of Engineering Faculty

Chris T. Hendrickson, College of Engineering Faculty

Jacobo Bielak, College of Engineering Faculty

Tom Mitchell, School of Computer Science Faculty

Paul Nielsen, Software Engineering Institute Staff

William "Red" Whittaker, School of Computer Science Faculty, College of Engineering 1975

David Dzombak, College of Engineering Faculty, College of Engineering 1980, 1981

Stuart Card, Dietrich College 1970, School of Computer Science 1978

Cristina H. Amon, College of Engineering Adjunct Faculty

Egon Balas, Tepper School of Business Faculty

Manuel Blum, School of Computer Science Faculty

Pradeep K. Khosla, College of Engineering Former Faculty

Krzysztof A. Matyjaszewski, Mellon College of Science Faculty

Subhash Mahajan, Former College of Engineering Faculty

Edmund M. Clarke, College of Engineering/School of Computer Science Faculty

Jonathan Rothberg, College of Engineering 1985

Randal E. Bryant, School of Computer Science Faculty

Subra Suresh, Former College of Engineering Faculty and CMU President

Stephanie Kwolek, Margaret Morrison Carnegie College 1946*

Robert F. Davis, Former College of Engineering Faculty

Daniel P. Siewiorek, School of Computer Science Faculty

Ignacio E. Grossmann, College of Engineering Faculty

Richard J. Fruehan, College of Engineering Faculty

Alfred Blumstein, Heinz College Faculty

Takeo Kanade, School of Computer Science Faculty

Hubert Aaronson, Former College of Engineering Faculty, College of Engineering 1948, 1954*

Charles M. Geschke, Former School of Computer Science Faculty, School of Computer Science 1973

Mark Kryder, College of Engineering Faculty

William Wulf, Former School of Computer Science Faculty

John L. Anderson, College of Engineering Faculty

Herbert L. Toor, Former College of Engineering Faculty*

Robert M. White, College of Engineering Faculty Emeritus

Julia Weertman, Former Mellon College of Science Faculty, Mellon College of Science 1946, 1947, 1951

William D. Strecker, College of Engineering 1966, 1967, 1971

Arthur W. Westerberg, College of Engineering Faculty Emeritus

Angel G. Jordan, Former College of Engineering Faculty, College of Engineering 1959

Raj Reddy, School of Computer Science Faculty

Allen Newell, Former School of Computer Science Faculty*

Harold W. Paxton, College of Engineering Faculty Emeritus

Alan Perlis, Former School of Computer Science Faculty*

Daniel Berg, Former Mellon College of Science Faculty

Steven J. Fenves, College of Engineering Faculty Emeritus

John Wachtman Jr., Mellon College of Science 1948, 1949

Johannes "Hans" Weertman, Former Mellon College of Science Faculty
, Mellon College of Science 1948, 1951

John Hirth, College of Engineering 1957

National Academy of Sciences

This organization of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research is dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology. Carnegie Mellon has been home to 22 National Academy of Science members. Learn more about the National Academy of Sciences.

Robert Kass, Dietrich College/School of Computer Science Faculty

Roberta Klatzky, Dietrich College/School of Computer Science Faculty

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Mellon College of Science Faculty

Kathryn Roeder, Vice Provost for Faculty

Baruch Fischhoff, Dietrich College/College of Engineering Faculty

Larry Wasserman, Dietrich College/School of Computer Science Faculty

Marlene Behrmann, Dietrich College Faculty

Subra Suresh, Former College of Engineering Faculty and CMU President

M. Granger Morgan, College of Engineering Faculty

Shafi Goldwasser, Mellon College of Science 1979

Manuel Blum, School of Computer Science Faculty

James L. McClelland, Former Dietrich College Faculty

John R. Anderson, Dietrich College Faculty

Stephen E. Fienberg, Dietrich College Faculty*

Dana S. Scott, Former School of Computer Science Faculty

James Langer, Mellon College of Science 1955

William W. Mullins, Former Mellon College of Science Faculty

Robert B. Griffiths, Mellon College of Science Faculty

Lincoln Wolfenstein, Former Mellon College of Science Faculty

Allen Newell, Former School of Computer Science Faculty*

Herbert Simon, Former Dietrich College/School of Computer Science/Tepper School Faculty*

M.L. Goldberger, Mellon College of Science 1943, 1979

*Denotes faculty/alumni who are deceased.

National Academy of Public Administration

The National Academy of Public Administration helps government leaders solve their most critical management challenges. Since 1967, the academy has provided expert advice to government leaders in building and managing more effective, efficient, accountable and transparent organizations. Learn more about the National Academy of Public Administration.

Ramayya Krishnan, Dean, Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy

Robert P. Strauss, Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy Faculty

American Association for the Advancement of Science

This international nonprofit organization is dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of all people. Fellows are elected by their peers and recognized for meritorious efforts to advance science or its applications. Learn more about AAAS.

Burcu Akinci, College of Engineering Faculty

Jonathan Cagan, College of Engineering Faculty

Jian Ma, School of Computer Science

Jeanne VanBreisen, College of Engineering Faculty

Baruch Fischhoff, College of Engineering and Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Ramayya Krishnan, Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy

Tuomas Sandholm, School of Computer Science

Wilfried Sieg, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Lorrie Cranor, School of Computer Science and College of Engineering Faculty

David S. Touretzky, School of Computer Science Faculty

Fred Gilman, Mellon College of Science Faculty

Kathryn Roeder, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences and School of Computer Science Faculty

David Farber, School of Computer Science and Institute for Software Research Faculty

Greg Lowry, College of Engineering Faculty

Michael Tarr, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty

Vijayakumar Bhagavatula, College of Engineering

James H. Garrett, Jr., Provost, College of Engineering

David Kinderlehrer, Mellon College of Science

Jay Apt, Tepper School of Business Faculty

Mark Kamlet, Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy

Justine Cassell, School of Computer Science Faculty

Chien Ho, Mellon College of Science Faculty

Farnam Jahanian, President, School of Computer Science/College of Engineering/Heinz College Faculty

John Lehoczky, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty

Larry Wasserman, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty

Manuela Veloso, School of Computer Science Faculty

John Woolford, Mellon College of Science Faculty

Chris Hendrickson, College of Engineering Faculty

Aaron Mitchell, Mellon College of Science Faculty

Jose Moura, College of Engineering Faculty

Robert E. Kass, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty

Lynne Reder, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty

Jared Cohon, President Emeritus, College of Engineering Faculty

Joel Greenhouse, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty

Roberta L Klatzky, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty

M. Granger Morgan, College of Engineering Faculty

Robert Swendsen, Mellon College of Science Faculty

Mary Shaw, School of Computer Science Faculty

William Eddy, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences/Mellon College of Science Faculty

Angel Jordan, College of Engineering Faculty Emeritus

Manuel Blum,  School of Computer Science Faculty

Stephen E. Fienberg, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences/Heinz College/School of Computer Science Faculty*

Lenore Blum, School of Computer Science Faculty

Alfred Blumstein, Heinz College Faculty

American Academy of Arts and Sciences

This honorary society and independent policy research center conducts multidisciplinary studies of complex and emerging problems. The Academy's elected members are leaders in the academic disciplines, the arts, business and public affairs. Carnegie Mellon has been home to 26 Academy members. Learn more about the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Marlene Behrmann, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty

Marlene Behrmann, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty

Joe Trotter, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty

Sara Kiesler, School of Computer Science Faculty

Roberta Klatzky, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty

M. Granger Morgan, College of Engineering Faculty

Tom Mitchell, School of Computer Science Faculty


Jared L. Cohon, President Emeritus, University Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering and Public Policy

Edmund Clarke, College of Engineering/School of Computer Science Faculty

Randal Bryant, School of Computer Science Faculty

Joseph Kadane, Dietrich College Faculty

Jeannette Wing, School of Computer Science Faculty

Mel Bochner, College of Fine Arts 1962

George Loewenstein, Dietrich College Faculty

Wilfried Sieg, Dietrich College Faculty

Stephen Fienberg, Dietrich College/Heinz College/School of Computer Science Faculty*

John L. Anderson, College of Engineering Faculty

Subra Suresh, President

Takeo Kanade, School of Computer Science Faculty

Robyn M. Dawes, Dietrich College Former Faculty*

Teddy Seidenfeld, Dietrich College Faculty

John R. Anderson, Dietrich College/School of Computer Science Faculty

Manuel Blum, School of Computer Science Faculty

Raj Reddy, School of Computer Science Faculty

Allen Newell, School of Computer Science Former Faculty*

Dana Scott, Dietrich College/Mellon College of Science/School of Computer Science Faculty

The Franklin Institute Awards

The Franklin Institute’s annual awards honor the greatest minds in science, engineering, technology and business. Recognizing these individuals is one way the institute preserves Benjamin Franklin's legacy. CMU has been home to at least 11 Franklin Institute laureates. Learn more about The Franklin Institute Awards.

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Mellon College of Science Faculty
2017 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry

Edmund M. Clarke, School of Computer Science Faculty
2014 Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science 

Mark H. Kryder, College of Engineering Faculty
2014 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Electrical Engineering
Awarded jointly with Shunichi Iwasaki of Tohoku Institute of Technology  

Subra Suresh, CMU President
2013 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Mechanical Engineering 

John R. Anderson, Dietrich College/School of Computer Science Faculty
2011 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science

Takeo Kanade, School of Computer Science Faculty
2008 Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science

Robert H. Dennard, College of Engineering 1958
2007 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Electrical Engineering

Stuart K. Card, Tepper School 1970, Dietrich College 1978
2007 Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science

Shafi Goldwasser, Mellon College of Science 1979
2010 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science

Stephanie Kwolek, Mellon College of Science 1946
1976 Potts Award

Paul Flory, Mellon Institute 1979
1971 Cresson Award

Guggenheim Fellowships

Established in 1925 by former U.S. Senator and Mrs. Simon Guggenheim, in memory of their son John Simon Guggenheim, the fellowships honor "stellar achievement and exceptional promise for continued accomplishment" for those who "add to the educational, literary, artistic and scientific power of this country, and also to provide for the cause of better international understanding." Learn more about the Guggenheim Fellowships.

Katherine Hubbard, College of Fine Arts Faculty

Carrie Schneider, College of Fine Arts, 2001

Jian Ma, School of Computer Science

Edmund Russell, Dietrich College Faculty

Ariel Procaccia, School of Computer Science Faculty

Dawn Song, School of Computer Science 1999, School of Computer Science Former Faculty

Mariana Achugar, Dietrich College Faculty

Terrance Hayes, Dietrich College Former Faculty

Alyosha (Alexei) Efros, School of Computer Science Faculty

Peter Stone, School of Computer Science 1995, 1998

Hebert Vazquez, College of Fine Arts 1991

Michael Tarr, Dietrich College Faculty

Alan Frieze, School of Computer Science Faculty

Wendy Goldman, Dietrich College Faculty

Jon Klancher, Dietrich College Faculty

Paul Hopper, Dietrich College Former Faculty

Stephen Fienberg, Dietrich College Former Faculty

John Nagle, Mellon College of Science Faculty

John Modell, Dietrich College Faculty

Raj Reddy, School of Computer Science Faculty

Lowry Burgess, College of Fine Arts Faculty

Morton Gurtin, Mellon College of Science Faculty

Lincoln Wolfenstein, Mellon College of Science Former Faculty

Robert Griffiths, Mellon College of Science Faculty

Honda Prize

Established in 1977 by the late Soichiro Honda, founder of Honda Motor Co., Ltd., the Honda Foundation annually recognizes an individual or group whose contributions may lead to the next generation in the field of eco-technology. Learn more about the Honda Prize.

Raj Reddy, School of Computer Science Faculty

MacArthur Foundation Fellows

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation awards five-year, unrestricted fellowships to individuals of outstanding talent to pursue their own creative, intellectual and professional inclinations. Recipients may be writers, scientists, artists, social scientists, humanists, teachers, entrepreneurs, or those in other fields, with or without institutional affiliations. Learn more about the MacArthur Foundation Fellows.

Stefan Savage, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences 1991

Luis von Ahn, School of Computer Science Faculty, School of Computer Science 2003, 2005

National Book Award

The mission of the National Book Foundation and the National Book Award is to celebrate the best of American literature, to expand its audience and enhance the cultural value of good writing in America. The annual award honors American writers in four categories: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry and Young People’s Literature. Learn more about the National Book Award.

Terrance Hayes, Dietrich College Former Faculty
Poetry, "Lighthead" (Penguin Books)

National Medal of Science

Created by Congress, this award honors individuals deserving of special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to knowledge in the physical, biological, mathematical, engineering, chemistry and social sciences. Carnegie Mellon has been home to two National Medal of Science recipients. Learn more about the National Medal of Science.

Allen Newell, School of Computer Science Former Faculty*
Mathematics and Computer Science, 1992

Herbert A. Simon, Dietrich College/School of Computer Science/Tepper School Former Faculty*
Behavioral and Social Science, 1986

National Medal of Technology and Innovation

Created by Congress, this award is presented to individuals, teams and companies for achievement in the innovation, development, commercialization and management of technology. Carnegie Mellon has been home to six National Medal of Technology and Innovation recipients. Learn more about the National Medal of Technology and Innovation.

Jonathan Rothberg, College of Engineering 1985

Mary Shaw, School of Computer Science Faculty

Charles Geschke, School of Computer Science 1973
Awarded jointly with: John Warnock 

Watts S. Humphrey, Software Engineering Institute Former Staff*

Stephanie Kwolek, Margaret Morrison Carnegie College 1946*

Gordon Bell, School of Computer Science Former Faculty

Vannevar Bush Award

The National Science Board established the Vannevar Bush Award in 1980. Vannevar Bush was a prominent scientist, adviser to presidents and the force behind the establishment of the National Science Foundation. The annual award recognizes an individual who, through public service activities in science and technology, has made an outstanding "contribution toward the welfare of mankind and the nation." Learn more about the Vannevar Bush Award.

Raj Reddy, School of Computer Science Faculty

*Denotes faculty/alumni who are deceased.

Carnegie Mellon students across all disciplines have received recognition for academic achievement, leadership and service. This page lists Churchill, Fulbright, Gates Cambridge, Goldwater, Marshall, Rhodes, Truman and Udall scholars. For more information, visit a complete archive of major scholarship and fellowship award winners at Carnegie Mellon. 

Churchill Scholarship

The Winston Churchill Foundation’s scholarship program offers American citizens of exceptional ability and outstanding achievement the opportunity to pursue graduate studies in engineering, mathematics or the sciences at Cambridge University's Churchill College in the United Kingdom. Carnegie Mellon has been home to 12 Churchill Scholars.

Jillian Jaycox, Mellon College of Science 2016

Catherine Groschner, College of Engineering 2015

Judy Savitskaya, CMU 2012

Rebecca Krall, Mellon College of Science 2011

Swati Varshney, CMU 2010

Courtney Ondeck, Mellon College of Science 2008

J. Jason West, College of Engineering 1994, 1998

Peter N. Blossey, College of Engineering 1992

Lawrence A. Riddle, Mellon College of Science 1976

Kenneth E. Notary, College of Engineering 1973, Tepper School 1976*

Keith J. Meyer, College of Engineering 1972, 1976, 1978

Norman B. McEachron, College of Engineering 1964

Fulbright Scholarship

The U.S. Student Fulbright Program provides an unparalleled opportunity to teach, study and conduct research in 150 countries worldwide in order to increase mutual understanding among nations through educational and cultural exchange. The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State sponsors the Fulbright Program. Carnegie Mellon has been home to 104 Fulbright Scholars.

Kristin Daniel, College of Engineering 2023

Ian Gimino, College of Engineering 2024

Katie Hart, College of Engineering 2024

Adrian Lapadat, Dietrich College 2023

Paul Molina, College of Fine Arts 2024

Zeynep Ozkaya, College of Engineering 2024

Shaun Ranadé, College of Engineering 2016, Mellon College of Science/Dietrich College

Devon Renfroe, Dietrich College 2021, 2022

Ben Therrien, College of Engineering

Matthew Turetsky, Dietrich College

Julia Conti, Dietrich College 2022

Emily Gallagher, College of Fine Arts 2019

Tanvi Jakkampudi, Mellon College of Science 2022

Selina Lee, College of Fine Arts 2020

Haider Nazir, Dietrich College 2020

Nicola Ritsch, College of Engineering 2024

Ella Rosenblum, College of Fine Arts 2021

Jenna Stanislaw, Mellon College of Science 2022

Sara Adkins, Mellon College of Science 2021

Kyra Balenzano, Dietrich College 2021

Darianealy Butler, Heinz College 2021

Lilian Chin, Dietrich College 2018

Emma Cordray, Dietrich College/College of Fine Arts 2021

Shannon Lu, Dietrich College 2020

Aria Salyapongse, Mellon College of Science 2021

Paloma Sierra, Dietrich College/College of Fine Arts 2019, College of Fine Arts 2021

Katelyn Croft, College of Fine Arts 2020

Jonathan Fritz, Mellon College of Science, Dietrich College 2020

Victoria (V) Reiter, Dietrich College 2020 

Stefan Romero, Dietrich College/College of Fine Arts 2019

Vaidehi Srinivas, School of Computer Science 2020

Namita Thomas, Mellon College of Sciences 2020

Siddarth Annadasula, School of Computer Science 2019

Yoobin Chee, Dietrich College 2019

Bronwyn Donohue, College of Fine Arts 2018

Jessica Jue, Mellon College of Science 2019

Erin Kavanagh, Mellon College of Science 2019

Travis Stahl, Heinz College 2019

Isabel Bleimeister, Dietrich College 2018

Zhiwan Cheung, College of Fine Arts 2016

Amal Nanavati, School of Computer Science 2018

Theodore Teichman, Dietrich College and College of Fine Arts 2018

Louise Zhou, Tepper School of Business 2017

Melanie Diaz, Dietrich College 2017

Timothy Gao, Mellon College of Science 2017

Emily Joyce, Dietrich College 2017

Kayla Lee, Dietrich College 2017

Rudina Morina, College of Engineering 2017

Philip Nantawisarakul, Mellon College of Science 2017

Laura Berry, Dietrich College 2016

Daniel Fonner, Heinz College 2016

Chelsea Kolb, College of Engineering 2018

Lauren Mobertz, Dietrich College 2012

Juan Acosta, Dietrich College 2015

Alexandria Hernandez, Dietrich College 2015

Sara Kelly, College of Engineering 2015

Erin Kiekhaefer, Dietrich College 2015

Jacob Klingensmith, CMU 2015

Carolyn Kras, College of Fine Arts 2010

Tegan McDuffie, College of Fine Arts 2013

Veda Sun, College of Fine Arts 2015

Alexa Beaver, College of Engineering 2010

Rachel Kuhn, Dietrich College 2014

Nina Mast, Dietrich College 2014

Paulina Reyes, College of Fine Arts 2014

Gabriella Rueda, Dietrich College 2013

Mackenzie Evan Smith, Dietrich College 2011

Christian Aponte, Dietrich College 2013

Sarah Ceurvorst, CMU 2013

Missy Dunaway, CMU 2010

Kimberly Josephson, Dietrich College 2013

Carolyn Supinka, CMU 2013

Minghui Zhang, College of Engineering 2013

Emily Rose Prengaman, CMU 2009

Eda Akyar, CMU 2011

Steve Aro, Mellon College of Science 2011

Eleanor Erney, Tepper School/Dietrich College 2011

Jane Herriman, CMU/Dietrich College 2011

Adam Jaffe, CMU 2007, College of Fine Arts 2010

Anna Lenhart, College of Engineering 2011

Marianna Sofman, College of Engineering 2011

Nathan Hall, College of Fine Arts 2008

Megan Larcom, Dietrich College 2010

Gregory Newby, Mellon College of Science 2009

Allison Reeves, College of Fine Arts 2008

Julia Stein, CMU 2008

John Pena, College of Fine Arts 2008

Jonathan Minard, CMU 2007

William Schlough, College of Fine Arts 2007

Rebecca Shore, College of Fine Arts 2008

Rebecca Snyder, College of Engineering 2008

Rashi Venkataraman, Dietrich College/Mellon College of Science 2008, Heinz College 2010

Sarah Rubin, Dietrich College 2007

Bum Lee, College of Fine Arts 2006

Justin Hakuta, Dietrich College 2004

Alisha Bhagat, Dietrich College 2005

John Oduroe, College of Fine Arts 2003

Amanda Bougades, Heinz College 2003

Takahiro Noguchi, College of Fine Arts 2003

John Gasper, Dietrich College 2000, 2004

Lydia Steier, College of Fine Arts 2002

Kyle Dupre, Tepper School 1999

Marian Goebes, College of Engineering 1999

Gil Alterovitz, College of Engineering 1998

Allis Ghim, Tepper School 1995

Alexei Sacks, College of Engineering 1992, 1995

Keith Allen, Dietrich College 1994


Christine Cocca, College of Fine Arts 1993, Heinz College 1994

Montserrat (Chambers) Miller, Dietrich College 1990, 1994

Kathleen Flaherty, College of Fine Arts 1988

Madeline Goodman, Dietrich College 1989, 1993

Ann Bostrom, Heinz College 1990

Lynn Beckstrom, College of Fine Arts 1971, 1973

William Hill, College of Engineering 1969, 1971, 1975

Gates Cambridge Scholarship

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provided a record-breaking donation to the University of Cambridge in 2000 to establish the Gates Cambridge Scholarship program. Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the United Kingdom to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge. Carnegie Mellon has been home to three Gates Cambridge Scholars.

Christina Cabana, Mellon College of Science 2018

Tomer Reiter, Mellon College of Science 2015

Scott Kaufman, Dietrich College 2003

Goldwater Scholarship

The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, established by Congress in 1986 to honor Sen. Barry M. Goldwater, provides financial assistance to students pursuing careers in science, mathematics and engineering. One- and two-year scholarships are available to undergraduate students.  Carnegie Mellon has been home to 46 Goldwater Scholars.

Claire Jin, School of Computer Science 2025

Yunshu Li, Mellon College of Science 2025

Katherine Parry, College of Engineering 2025

Subhasish Mukherjee, Mellon College of Science 2024

Minerva Schafer, Mellon College of Science 2024

Shweta Gudapati, Mellon College of Science 2023

Daniel Schaffer, School of Computer Science 2023

Khunpob Sereesuchart,  Mellon College of Science 2023

Esther Bedoyan, College of Engineering 2022

Ethan Lu, Mellon College of Science 2022

Arvind Mahankali, School of Computer Science 2022

Jinhyung (David) Park, School of Computer Science 2022

Cassandra Bishop, Mellon College of Science 2021

Jessica Lee, School of Computer Science 2021

Shiv Sethi, Mellon College of Science 2021

Noah Stevenson, Mellon College of Science 2021

William Fahy, Mellon College of Science 2021

Jung Joo Suh, Mellon College of Science 2020

Alexander Baikovitz, College of Engineering 2020

Andrew Kwon, Mellon College of Science 2019

Christina Cabana, Mellon College of Science/Science and Humanities Scholars 2019

Joshua Brakensiek, Mellon College of Science 2018

Jillian Jaycox, Mellon College of Science 2016

Joshua Kubiak, College of Engineering 2016

Benjamin Cowley, College of Engineering 2012

Stephanie Guerra, CMU 2012

Robert Tisherman, College of Engineering 2012

Maxwell Hutchinson, Mellon College of Science 2011

Marianna Sofman, College of Engineering 2011

Ellen Marie Tworkoski, College of Engineering 2011

Carmeline Dsilva, College of Engineering 2010

Timothy Helbig, CMU 2010

Swati Varshney, CMU 2010

Andrew DeYoung, Mellon College of Science 2010

Lawrence Jesper, School of Computer Science 2010

Sam Kim, CMU 2009, Heinz College 2010

Gregory Newby, Mellon College of Science 2009

Samantha Spath, Mellon College of Science 2008

Jonathan Stahlman, Mellon College of Science 2008

Lauren Thorpe, CMU 2008

Satyan Pai, Mellon College of Science 2007

Jennifer Anttonen, CMU 2007

Anita Shukla, College of Engineering 2006

Peter Battaglino, College of Engineering/Mellon College of Science 2005

Shandor Dektor, College of Engineering/Mellon College of Science 2005

Michael Katz-Hyman, Mellon College of Science 2004

Carl Eric Dahl, Mellon College of Science 2002

Eric Hilton, Mellon College of Science 2003

Nicholas Fitzkee, Mellon College of Science 2001

Shane Davis, Mellon College of Science 2000

Michael O'Kelly, Mellon College of Science 2000

Marshall Scholarship

The Marshall scholarship, named in honor of U.S. Secretary of State George C Marshall, commemorates the humane ideals of the Marshall Plan. Less than 50 scholars from the United States are selected each year to complete graduate-level studies at an institution in the United Kingdom. Carnegie Mellon has been home to five Marshall Scholars.

Greta Markey, College of Engineering 2022

Kaytie Nielsen, College of Fine Arts/Dietrich College 2016

Sheela Ramesh, College of Fine Arts/Dietrich College 2009

Jeffrey Sheldon, College of Engineering 1969

James Langer, Mellon College of Science 1955


Rhodes Scholarship

The Rhodes Scholarship, established by British philanthropist and African colonial pioneer Cecil Rhodes, provides students around the world an opportunity to study at the prestigious University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. Each year, 32 Rhodes Scholars are selected from more than 300 colleges and universities to represent the United States. Carnegie Mellon has been home to four Rhodes Scholars.

Courtney Wittekind, CMU 2013

Mindy Hebert DeRouen, Mellon College of Science 2002

Cindi Dennis, School of Computer Science/Mellon College of Science 2000

Robert Boyer, Mellon College of Science 1953*


Truman Scholarship

The Truman Scholarship, established by Congress in 1977 to honor President Harry S. Truman, provides financial assistance for graduate study leading to a career in government or public service. Up to 60 Truman Scholars are selected nationwide each year based on leadership potential, intellectual ability and their "likelihood of making a difference."  Carnegie Mellon has been home to five Truman Scholars.

Amelia Nichols, Dietrich College 2010

Amy Cyphert, Dietrich College 2001

Terry Babcock-Lumish, Dietrich College 1997

Cameron Brown, Dietrich College 1996

Christopher Williams, College of Engineering 1989

Udall Scholarship

The Morris K. Udall Scholarship, established by Congress in 1992 to honor Morris K. Udall's 30 years of service in the House of Representatives, honors college sophomores and juniors who are committed to pursuing careers related to the environment, as well as Native American and Alaskan native students with pursuing careers related to tribal policy or health care. Carnegie Mellon has been home to three Udall Scholars.

Dyanna Becker, College of Engineering 2011

Ken Lau, College of Fine Arts 2007

Isabella Cederquist, Dietrich College 2006

*Denotes faculty/alumni who are deceased.

Performing Arts Awards

From composers and actors to engineers and lighting designers, Carnegie Mellon faculty and alumni have been recognized with prestigious awards in the performing arts.

Oscar AwardsAcademy Award

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences honors motion picture artists and craftsmen at its annual awards ceremony, also known as the Oscars. Carnegie Mellon alumni have received 13 Academy Awards to date.

Kiran Bhat, School of Computer Science 2004
Technical Achievement, 2017
For the design and development of the ILM facial performance-capture solving system
Awarded jointly with Michael Koperwas, Brian Cantwell and Paige Warner

Siân Heder, College of Fine Arts 1999
Best Adapted Screenplay, 2022

Holly Hunter, College of Fine Arts 1980
Best Actress in a Leading Role, 1993
"The Piano"

Drew Olbrich, School of Computer Science 1992
Technical Achievement, 2013
For creating the Light system for computer graphics lighting at PDI/Dreamworks
Awarded jointly with Lawrence Kesteloot and Daniel Wexler

Iain Matthews, School of Computer Science Adjunct Faculty
Technical Achievement, 2017
For the design, engineering and development of the FACETS facial performance capture and solving system at Weta Digital
Awarded jointly with Luca Fascione and J.P. Lewis

Ann Roth, College of Fine Arts 1953
Best Costume Design, 2021
"Ma Rainey's Black Bottom"

Best Costume Design, 1996
"The English Patient"

John Schlag, College of Engineering, 1983
Scientific and Engineering Award, 1996
For the development of the Viewpaint 3D Paint System for film production work
Awarded jointly with Brian Knep, Zoran Kacic-Alesic and Thomas Williams

Stephen Schwartz, College of Fine Arts 1968
Best Music, Original Song, 1998
"When You Believe" from "The Prince of Egypt"

Best Music, Original Musical or Comedy Score, 1995

Best Music, Original Song, 1995
"Colors of the Wind" from "Pocohontas"

Richard Shoup, College of Engineering 1965, School of Computer Science 1970
Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Development, 1983
For concept and development of the first electronics graphics creative system
Awarded jointly with A.R. Smith and T. Porter

James R. Swartz, Tepper School of Business 1966
Best Documentary Feature as producer, 2018
Awarded jointly with Bryan Fogel, Dan Cogan and David Fialkow

Emmy AwardsEmmy Award

The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences honors individuals for their artistic, educational and technical achievements in the television industry. Emmy Awards recognize excellence in news, sports, daytime, primetime, documentary and international programming. Carnegie Mellon alumni and faculty have received at least 142 Emmy Awards to date. Awards shared by two or more alumni have been counted once.

Alana Billingsley, College of Fine Arts 2004
Outstanding Production Design for a Variety Special, 2021
"The Oscars"
Awarded jointly with: David Rockwell, Joe Celli and Jason Howard

Outstanding Production Design for a Variety Special, 2020
"The Oscars"

Outstanding Art Direction for Variety or Nonfiction Programming, 2012
"The 54th Annual Grammy Awards"
Awarded jointly with: Brian Stonestreet** and Matt Steinbrenner

Nanrose Buchman,  College of Fine Arts 1976
Outstanding Period Costume
"The Queen's Gambit"
Awarded jointly with Gabriele Binder, Gina Krauss, Katrin Hoffman and Sparka Lee Hall

Habib Azar, College of Fine Arts 2002
Outstanding Drama Series Directing Team, 2014 (Daytime Emmy)
Awarded jointly with: Gary Donatelli, Christopher Goutman** and Jill Mitwell 

Outstanding Drama Series Directing Team, 2007 (Daytime Emmy)
"As The World Turns"
Awarded jointly with: Maria Wagner, Michael Eilbaum,Christopher Goutman**, John O'Connell, Sonia Blangiardo, Jennifer Pepperman, Michael Kerner, Carol Sedwick, Janet Andrews, James Kowal, Brian Lydell, Jennifer Blood, Nancy Barron, Alexandra Ralsvig and Bett Hellman

Michael Berger, College of Fine Arts 2012
Outstanding Lighting Design/Lighting Direction for a Variety Series, 2024
“Dancing with the Stars”

Steven Bochco, College of Fine Arts 1966
Outstanding Drama Series, 1995
"NYPD Blue"
Awarded jointly with: David Milch, Gregory Hoblit, Mark Tinker, Michael E. Robin, Walon Green, Charles H. Eglee, Channing Gibson, Ted Mann, Burton Armus, Gardner Stern, Steven Paul, Robert J. Doherty and Bill Clark

Outstanding Drama Series, 1989
"L.A. Law"
Awarded jointly with: William M. Finkelstein, Michele Gallery, Phillip M. Goldfarb, Scott Goldstein, David E. Kelley, Judith Parker, Rick Wallace and Alice West

Outstanding Writing in a Drama Series, 1987
"L.A. Law"
Awarded jointly with: Terry Louise Fisher

Outstanding Drama Series, 1987
"L.A. Law"
Awarded jointly with: Series Team

Outstanding Drama Series, 1984
"Hill Street Blues"
Awarded jointly with: Series Team

Outstanding Drama Series, 1983
"Hill Street Blues"
Awarded jointly with: Series Team

Outstanding Drama Series, 1982
"Hill Street Blues"
Awarded jointly with: Series Team

Outstanding Writing in a Drama Series, 1982
"Hill Street Blues"
Awarded jointly with: Michael, Jeffrey Lewis, Michael Wagner, Anthony Yerkovich

Outstanding Writing in a Drama Series, 1981
"Hill Street Blues"
Awarded jointly with: Michael Kozoll

Outstanding Drama Series, 1981
"Hill Street Blues"
Awarded jointly with: Gary Hoblit, Michael Kozoll

Nanrose Buchman, College of Fine Arts 1976
Outstanding Achievement in Costuming for a Series, 1987

Nitya Chambers, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences 2001
Outstanding Short Form Nonfiction or Reality Series, 2018
"Anthony Bourdain: Explore Parts Unknown"
Awarded jointly with Kate Kunath, Ed O'Keefe, Amy Entelis, Nathan Thornburgh and Matt Goulding

Casey Childs, College of Fine Arts 1978, 1980
Outstanding Drama Series Directing Team, 2003 (Daytime Emmy)
"All My Children"
Awarded jointly with: Conal O'Brien, Robert Scinto, Angela Tessinari, James A. Baffico, Barbara M. Simmons, Shirley Simmons, Karen Johnson, Terry Walker, A.J. Gundell, Jerry Pilato, Penny Bergman, Rusty Swope and Tamara P. Grady

Outstanding Drama Series Directing Team, 1992 (Daytime Emmy)
"Another World"
Awarded jointly with: Michael Eilbaum, Bob Schwarz, Susan C. Strickler, Carol Sedwick, Mary Madeiras and Janet Andrews

John Conboy, College of Fine Arts 1956
Outstanding Daytime Drama Series, 1990 (Daytime Emmy)
"Santa Barbara"
Awarded jointly with: Jill Farren-Phelps**, Steve Kent, Charlotte Savitz and Julie Hanan Carruthers

Outstanding Daytime Drama Series, 1983 (Daytime Emmy)
"The Young and the Restless"

Outstanding Daytime Drama Series, 1975 (Daytime Emmy)
"The Young and the Restless"
Awarded jointly with: William J. Bell and Lee Philip Bell

Outstanding Drama Special, 1974
"ABC Afternoon Playbreak"

James Cromwell, College of Fine Arts 1964
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or Movie, 2013
"American Horror Story: Asylum"

Ted Danson, College of Fine Arts 1972
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy, 1990 and 1993

David Eckert, College of Fine Arts 1990
Outstanding Art Director/Set Decoration/Scenic Design (Daytime Emmy)
"The Kelly Clarkson Show"
Awarded jointly with James Connelly, Cris Mercado, Emily Auble, Kelli Bishop and Kevin Grace

Jill Farren Phelps, College of Fine Arts 1972
Outstanding Daytime Drama Series, 2014 (Daytime Emmy)
"The Young and the Restless" (Executive Producer)

Outstanding Class Special, 2014 (Daytime Emmy)
"The Young and the Restless: Jeanne Cooper Tribute" (Executive Producer) 

Outstanding Daytime Drama Series, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2012 (Daytime Emmy)
"General Hospital" (Executive Producer)

Outstanding Daytime Drama Series, 1988, 1989, 1990 (Daytime Emmy)
"Santa Barbara"
Awarded jointly with: Charlotte Savitz, Julie Hanan Carruthers, Steven Kent, Charlotte Savitz, Leonard Friedlander and John Conboy** (1990 only)

Bob Finkel, College of Fine Arts 1940*
Outstanding Variety Series, 1966 and 1967
"The Andy Williams Show"
Awarded jointly with: Edward Stephenson

John Ford Noonan, College of Fine Arts 1966
Outstanding Writing in a Drama Series, 1984
"St. Elsewhere"
Awarded jointly with: John Masius and Tom Fontana

James Frawley, College of Fine Arts 1959
Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Comedy, 1967
"The Monkees"

Will Gossett, College of Fine Arts 2015
Best Lighting Design/Lighting Direction for a Variety Special, 2016
"Grease: Live"

Christopher Goutman, College of Fine Arts 1976
Outstanding Drama Series Directing Team, 2014 (Daytime Emmy)
Awarded jointly with: Habib Azar, Gary Donatelli and Jill Mitwell 

Outstanding Drama Series Directing Team, 2007 (Daytime Emmy)
"As The World Turns"
Awarded jointly with: Maria Wagner, Michael Eilbaum, John O'Connell, Habib Azar, Sonia Blangiardo, Jennifer Pepperman, Michael Kerner, Carol Sedwick, Janet Andrews, James Kowal, Brian Lydell, Jennifer Blood, Nancy Barron, Alexandra Ralsvig and Bett Hellman

Outstanding Drama Series, 2003 (Daytime Emmy)
"As The World Turns"
Awarded jointly with: Carol Shure, Vivian Gundaker and Kelsey Bay

Outstanding Drama Series, 2001 (Daytime Emmy)
"As The World Turns"
Awarded jointly with: Carol Shure and Vivian Gundaker

Outstanding Drama Series Directing Team, 1995 (Daytime Emmy)
"All My Children"
Awarded jointly with: Henry Kaplan, Conal O'Brien, James A. Baffico, Barbara M. Simmons, Shirley Simmons, Robin Maizes and Sybil Weinberger

Javier Grillo-Marxuach, Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences 1991
Outstanding children's programming, 2020
"The Dark Crystal"
Awarded jointly with Lisa Henson, Halle Stanford, Louis Leterrier, Jeffrey Addiss, Will Matthews, Blanca Lista, Ritamarie Peruggi
(Tied for the win with "We Are The Dream: The Kids Of The Oakland MLK Oratorical Fest.")

Outstanding Drama Series, 2005

Mariette Hartley, College of Fine Arts 1965
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series, 1979
"The Incredible Hulk"

Zachary Halley, College of Fine Arts 2002
Outstanding Television Movie as Executive Producer, 2024
“Weird: The Al Yankovic Story”

Brian Hemesath, College of Fine Arts 1997
Outstanding Achievement in Costume Design/Styling, 2011
"Sesame Street"
Awarded jointly with: Jared Leese**, Polly Smith, Collette Nickola, Loryn Brantz, Molly Light, Chelsea Carter, Rollie Krewson, Lara MacLean, Michelle Hickey, Jason Weber and Marc Borders

Michael Hissrich, College of Fine Arts 1988
Outstanding Drama Series, 2002
"The West Wing"
Awarded jointly with: Kevin Falls, Alex Graves, Kristin Harms, Christopher Misiano, Thomas Schlamme, Aaron Sorkin, John Wells** and Llewellyn Wells

Outstanding Special Class Program, 2002
"The West Wing: Documentary Special"  
Awarded jointly with: Eli Attie, William Couturie, Kevin Falls, Anne Sandkuhler, Thomas Schlamme, Aaron Sorkin, John Wells**, Llewellyn Wells and Felicia Wilson

Outstanding Drama Series, 2001
"The West Wing"
Awarded jointly with: Kevin Falls, Kristin Harms, Thomas Schlamme, Aaron Sorkin, John Wells**, Llewellyn Wells and Lawrence O’Donnell Jr.

Holly Hunter, College of Fine Arts 1980
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Special, 1993
"The Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom"

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Special, 1989

Douglas Huszti, College of Fine Arts 1994
Outstanding Art Direction for a Single-Camera Series, 2011
"Boardwalk Empire"
Awarded jointly with: Bob Shaw and Debra Schutt

Romain Johnston, College of Fine Arts 1951*
Outstanding Art Direction or Scenic Design for a Comedy-Variety or Music Series, 1977
"The Mac Davis Show"

Outstanding Art Direction for a Comedy-Variety or Music Special, 1978
"The Sentry Collection Presents Ben Vereen-His Root"  
Awarded jointly with: Kerry Joyce

Cherry Jones, College of Fine Arts 1978
Outstanding guest actress In a drama series, 2020

Best Guest Actress in a Drama Series, 2019
"The Handmaid's Tale"

Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series, 2009

Jack Klugman, College of Fine Arts 1948*
Outstanding Continued Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Comedy Series, 1971 and 1973
"The Odd Couple"

Outstanding Single Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role, 1964
"The Defenders"

Suttirat Anne Larlarb, College of Fine Arts Faculty Member
Outstanding Art Direction for Variety or Nonfiction Programming, 2013
"London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony"
Awarded jointly with: Mark Tildesley and Danny Boyle

Eugene Lee, College of Fine Arts 1962
Outstanding Production Design for a Variety, Reality or Competition Series, 2021
"Saturday Night Live"
Awarded jointly with: Akira Yoshimura, Keith Ian Raywood, N. Joseph DeTullio and Melissa Shakun

Outstanding Production Design for a Variety, Reality or Reality-Competition Series, 2020
"Saturday Night Live"
Awarded jointly with: Akira Yoshimura, Keith Ian Raywood and N. Joseph DeTullio

Outstanding Production Design for a Variety, Nonfiction, Reality or Reality-Competition Series, 2019
"Saturday Night Live"
Awarded jointly with: Akira Yoshimura, Keith Ian Raywood and N. Joseph DeTullio

Outstanding Production Design for a Variety, Nonfiction, Reality or Reality-Competition Series, 2018
"Saturday Night Live"
Awarded jointly with: Akira Yoshimura, Keith Ian Raywood and N. Joseph DeTullio

Outstanding Production Design for a Variety, Nonfiction, Reality or Reality-Competition Series, 2017
"Saturday Night Live" with host Alec Baldwin
Awarded jointly with: N. Joseph DeTullio, Keith Ian Raywood and Akira Yoshimura

Outstanding Art Direction for Variety or Nonfiction Programming, 2013
"Saturday Night Live" with host Justin Timberlake/host Martin Short/host Ben Affleck
Awarded jointly with: Keith Ian Raywood and Akira Yoshimura

Jared Leese, College of Fine Arts 1995
Outstanding Achievement in Costume Design/Styling, 2011
"Sesame Street"
Awarded jointly with: Brian Hemesath**, Polly Smith, Collette Nickola, Loryn Brantz, Molly Light, Chelsea Carter, Rollie Krewson, Lara MacLean, Michelle Hickey, Jason Weber and Marc Borders

Alfred E.  Lehman, College of Fine Arts 1949, 1950*
Outstanding Costume Design for a Series, 1986
"Murder, She Wrote"

Andrew Leitch, College of Fine Arts 2012
Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Program (Half-Hour of Less), 2017

Judith Light, College of Fine Arts 1970
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series, 2024
"Poker Face"

Outstanding Actress in a Daytime Series, 1980 and 1981 (Daytime Emmy)
"One Life to Live"

Kenneth Love, College of Fine Arts 1976
Emmy, 1989
Individual Achievement in Sound Recording, 1986

Marilyn Lowey, College of Fine Arts 1976
Outstanding Lighting Direction (Electronic) for a Miniseries or Special, 1986
"Neil Diamond...Hello Again"
Awarded jointly with: Kim Killingsworth and John Rook

Mark Malmberg, College of Fine Arts 1979
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Design, 1996
MSNBC ID Package (News and Documentary)

Outstanding Individual Achievement in Design, 1992
MTV "Liquid Television" (National Primetime)

Sonia Manzano, College of Fine Arts 1972
Outstanding Writing in a Children’s Series, 2003 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Lou Berger, Judy Freudberg, Tony DeSena, Molly Boylan, Sara Compton, Annie Evans, Christine Ferraro, Tony Geiss, Ian James, Emily Perl Kingsley, Joey Mazzarino, Cathi Turow, Adam Rudman, Nancy Sans, Josh Selig, Belinda Ward, John Weidman, Mo Willems and Luis Santeiro.

Outstanding Writing in a Children’s Series, 2002 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Lou Berger, Molly Boylan, Sara Compton, Annie Evans, Chrissy Ferraro, Judy Freudberg, Tony Geiss, Ian Ellis James, Emily Perl Kingsley, David Korr, Joey Mazzarino, Cathi Turow, Adam Rudman, Nancy Sans, Luis Santeiro, Josh Selig, Belinda Ward, John Weidman and Mo Willems.

Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series, 2001 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Lou Berger, Molly Boylan, Sara Compton, Annie Evans, Chrissy Ferraro, Judy Freudberg, Tony Geiss, Ian Ellis James, Emily Perl Kingsley, David Korr, Joey Mazzarino, Cathi Turow, Adam Rudman, Nancy Sans, Luis Santeiro, Josh Selig, Belinda Ward, John Weidman and Mo Willems.

Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series, 1999 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Lou Berger, Molly Boylan, Sara Compton, Annie Evans, Chrissy Ferraro, Judy Freudberg, Tony Geiss, Ian Ellis James, Emily Perl Kingsley, David Korr, Joey Mazzarino, Jeff Moss, Cathi Turow, Adam Rudman, Nancy Sans, Luis Santeiro, Josh Selig, Belinda Ward, John Weidman and Mo Willems. 

Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series, 1998 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Lou Berger, Molly Boylan, Sara Compton, Annie Evans, Chrissy Ferraro, Judy Freudberg, Tony Geiss, Ian Ellis James, Emily Perl Kingsley, David Korr, Joey Mazzarino, Jeff Moss, Cathi Turow, Adam Rudman, Nancy Sans, Luis Santeiro, Josh Selig, Belinda Ward, John Weidman and Mo Willems. Tied with the writing team for “Bill Nye, the Science Guy.” 

Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series, 1995 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Norman Stiles, Lou Berger, Molly Boylan, Sara Compton, Christine Ferraro, Judy Freudberg, Tony Geiss, Ian Ellis James, Emily Perl Kingsley, David Korr, Joey Mazzarino, Jeff Moss, Adam Rudman, Nancy Sans, Luis Santeiro, Josh Selig, Jon Stone, Cathi Turow, Belinda Ward, John Weidman and Mo Willems. 

Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series, 1994 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Norman Stiles, Lou Berger, Molly Boylan, Sara Compton, Judy Freudberg, Tony Geiss, Ian Ellis James, Emily Perl Kingsley, David Korr, Joey Mazzarino, Nancy Sans, Luis Santeiro, Josh Selig, Jon Stone, Cathi Turow, Belinda Ward and John Weidman. Tied with the writing team for “Adventures in Wonderland.” 

Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series, 1992 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Norman Stiles, Nancy Sans, Judy Freudberg, Tony Geiss, Cathi Turow, Belinda Ward, Lou Berger, David Korr, Josh Selig, Jeff Moss, John Weidman, Sara Compton, Luis Santeiro, Molly Boylan, Emily Perl Kingsley, Mark Saltzman and Jon Stone.

Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series, 1991 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Norman Stiles, Judy Freudberg, Nancy Sans, Tony Geiss, Jeff Moss, Cathi Turow, David Korr, Belinda Ward, Lou Berger, Josh Selig, Sara Compton, Luis Santeiro, John Weidman, Emily Perl Kingsley, Mark Saltzman and Jon Stone.

Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series, 1990 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Norman Stiles, Judy Freudberg, Cathi Turow, Nancy Sans, Tony Geiss, Luis Santeiro, Jeff Moss, Sara Compton, Belinda Ward, John Weidman, Josh Selig, Emily Perl Kingsley, David Korr, Mark Saltzman and Jon Stone. 

Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series, 1989 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Norman Stiles, Nancy Sans, Luis Santeiro, Cathi Turow, Belinda Ward, Jeff Moss, Sara Compton, Judy Freudberg, David Korr, John Weidman, Tony Geiss, Emily Perl Kingsley, Mark Saltzman, Christian Clarke, Jon Stone and Jocelyn Stevenson. 

Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series, 1988 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Norman Stiles, Christian Clarke, Sara Compton, Judy Freudberg, Tony Geiss, Emily Perl Kingsley, David Korr, Jeff Moss, Cathi Turow, Mark Saltzman, Nancy Sans, Luis Santeiro, Jocelyn Stevenson, Jon Stone, Belinda Ward and John Weidman. 

Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series, 1987 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Norman Stiles, Cathi Turow, Jeff Moss, Mark Saltzman, Belinda Ward, David Korr, Sara Compton, Tom Dunsmuir, Tony Geiss, Emily Perl Kingsley, Judy Freudberg, Jon Stone, Nancy Sans and Luis Santeiro. 

Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series, 1986 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Norman Stiles, Sara Compton, Tom Dunsmuir, Judy Freudberg, Tony Geiss, Emily Perl Kingsley, David Korr, Jeff Moss, Mark Saltzman, Nancy Sans, Luis Santeiro and Cathi Turow. 

Outstanding Writing in Children's Programming, 1984 (Daytime Emmy)
“Sesame Street”
Awarded jointly with: Norman Stiles, Gary Belkin, Sara Compton, Tom Dunsmuir, Judy Freudberg, Tony Geiss, Emily Perl Kingsley, David Korr, Jeff Moss and Luis Santeiro.

Nancy Marchand, College of Fine Arts 1949*
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series, 1980, 1981, 1982
"Lou Grant"

Outstanding Continuing Performance by a Supporting Actress, 1978
"Lou Grant"

Rob Marshall, College of Fine Arts 1982
Outstanding Choreography, 2007
"Tony Bennett: An American Classic"
Awarded jointly with: John DeLuca

Outstanding Directing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Program, 2007
"Tony Bennett: An American Classic"

Outstanding Variety, Musical or Comedy Special, 2007
"Tony Bennett: An American Classic"
Awarded jointly with: Danny Bennett, Jodi Hurwitz, John DeLuca and Allen Kelman

Outstanding Choreography, 2000

Noel Maxam, College of Fine Arts 1990
Outstanding Drama Series Directing Team, 2002 (Daytime Emmy)
"The Young and the Restless"
Awarded jointly with: Mike Denney, Kathryn Foster, Sally McDonald, Betty Rothenberg, Marc Beruti, Chris Mullen, Don Jacob, Sherry Carby, Herbert Weaver Jr. and Janice Bendiksen

Outstanding Drama Series Directing Team, 1998, 1999, 2001 (Daytime Emmy)
"The Young and the Restless"
Awarded jointly with: Heather Hill, Mike Denney, Kathryn Foster, Sally McDonald, Betty Rothenberg, Dan Brumett, Randal Hill, Don Jacob and Bret Warren

John McDaniel, College of Fine Arts 1983
Outstanding Talk Show, 2001 and 2002 (Daytime Emmy)
"The Rosie O'Donnell Show"
Awarded jointly with: Rosie O'Donnell and producers

Noah Mitz, College of Fine Arts 2005
Outstanding Lighting Design/Lighting Direction for a Variety Series, 2024
“Dancing with the Stars”

Daniel Orlandi, College of Fine Arts 1976
Outstanding Costume Design for a Variety or Musical Program, 1989
"The Magic of David Copperfield XI: Explosive Encounter"

Billy Porter, College of Fine Arts 1991
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series, 2019

Michael Pressman, College of Fine Arts 1972
Outstanding Drama Series, 1994
"Picket Fences"
Awarded jointly with: Robert Breech, Ann Donahue, David Kelley, Geoffrey Neigher, Jack Philbrick, Jonathan Pontell and Alice West

Outstanding Drama Series, 1993
"Picket Fences"
Awarded jointly with: David E. Kelley, Alice West, Robert Breech, Jonathan Pontell and Mark B. Perry

Andrew Ryu, College of Engineering and Tepper School of Business 2001
Outstanding Interactive Media, 2020 (Daytime Emmy)
Awarded jointly with Harry Friedman, Rocky Schmidt, Paul Joffe, Matthew Sherman and Dennis Jaurigue

John Shaffner, College of Fine Arts 1976
Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction/Set Decoration/Scenic Design, 2007 and 2008 (Daytime Emmy)
"The Ellen DeGeneres Show"
Awarded jointly with: Joe Stewart**, Anton Goss, Christopher Goumas, Tina Miller, Jay Heiserman, Robert Lee and Michael C. Lewis

Outstanding Art Direction for a Multi-Camera Series, 2005
"George Lopez"
Awarded jointly with: Judy Giovanni

Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction/Set Decoration/Scenic Design, 2004 (Daytime Emmy)
"The Ellen DeGeneres Show"
Awarded jointly with: Joe Stewart**, Christopher Goumas, Tina Miller and Lance B. Zeck

Outstanding Individual Achievement in Art Direction for a Variety or Music Program, 1993
"The Magic of David Copperfield XV: Fires of Passion"
Awarded jointly with: Joe Stewart**

Outstanding Individual Achievement in Art Direction for a Variety or Music Program, 1992
"Magic of David Copperfield XIV: Flying...Live the Dream"   
Awarded jointly with: Joe Stewart**

Outstanding Individual Achievement in Art Direction for a Variety or Music Program, 1991
"The Magic Of David Copperfield XIII: Mystery On The Orient Express"
Awarded jointly with: Joe Stewart**

Richard Shoup, College of Engineering 1965, School of Computer Science 1970
Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Development, 1983
For concept and development of the first electronics graphics creative system   

Gary Smith, College of Fine Arts 1956
Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Special, 1998
"The 51st Annual (1997) Tony Awards"
Awarded jointly with: Walter C. Miller and Roy A. Somlyo

Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Special, 1995
"Barbra Streisand: The Concert"
Awarded jointly with: Martin Erlichman, Dwight Hemion and Barbra Streisand

Outstanding Variety or Music Program, 1980
"IBM Presents: Baryshnikov on Broadway"   
Awarded jointly with: Mikhail Baryshnikov, Dwight Hemion and Herman Krawitz

Outstanding Comedy-Variety or Music Program, 1979
"Steve & Eydie Celebrate Irving Berling"
Awarded jointly with: Eydie Gorme, Dwight Hemion and Steve Lawrence

Outstanding Special: Comedy-Variety or Music, 1978
"Bette Midler: Ol' Red Hair is Back"
Awarded jointly with: Dwight Hemion, Bette Midler and Aaron Russo

Outstanding Single Program, Variety or Musical, 1971
"Singer Presents: Burt Bacharach"
Awarded jointly with: Burt Bacharach and Dwight Hemion

Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction and Scenic Design, 1962
"The Perry Como Show"

Joe Stewart, College of Fine Arts 1977
Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction/Set Decoration/Scenic Design, 2007 and 2008 (Daytime Emmy)
"The Ellen DeGeneres Show"
Awarded jointly with: John Shaffner**, Anton Goss, Christopher Goumas, Tina Miller, Jay Heiserman, Robert Lee and Michael C. Lewis

Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction/Set Decoration/Scenic Design, 2004 (Daytime Emmy)
"The Ellen DeGeneres Show"
Awarded jointly with: John Shaffner**, Christopher Goumas, Tina Miller and Lance B. Zeck

Outstanding Individual Achievement in Art Direction for a Variety or Music Program, 1993
"The Magic of David Copperfield XV: Fires of Passion"
Awarded jointly with: John Shaffner**

Outstanding Individual Achievement in Art Direction for a Variety or Music Program, 1992
"Magic of David Copperfield XIV: Flying...Live the Dream"
Awarded jointly with: John Shaffner**

Outstanding Art Direction for a Variety or Music Program, 1991
"The Magic Of David Copperfield XIII: Mystery On The Orient Express"
Awarded jointly with: John Shaffner**

Brian Stonestreet, College of Fine Arts 1988
Outstanding Art Direction for Variety or Nonfiction Programming, 2012
"The 54th Annual Grammy Awards"
Awarded jointly with: Alana Billingsley** and Matt Steinbrenner 

Outstanding Art Direction for a Variety, Music Program or Special, 2005
"The 47th Annual Grammy Awards"
Awarded jointly with: Steve Bass, Scott Welborn and Tamlyn Wright

Outstanding Art Direction for a Variety or Music Program, 2000
"The 42nd Annual Grammy Awards"
Awarded jointly with: Bob Keene

Scott Storey, College of Fine Arts 1985
Outstanding Art Direction for Variety, Music or Nonfiction Programming, 2009
2008 MTV Video Music Awards
Awarded jointly with Keith Raywood, Star Theodos and James Connelly

Chikako Suzuki, College of Fine Arts 2004
Outstanding Art Direction for Contemporary Art Program (half-hour or less), 2014
"House of Lies"
Awarded jointly with: Ray Yamagata and Tim Stepeck

Ryan Tanker, College of Fine Arts 2010
Best Lighting Design/Lighting Direction for a Variety Special, 2019
Awarded jointly with: Al Gurdon, Madigan Stehly, Ben Green, Patrick Brazil

Best Lighting Design/Lighting Direction for a Variety Special, 2016
"Grease: Live"

Jack Taylor, College of Fine Arts 1973
Outstanding Art Direction for a Miniseries or Special, 1989
"I'll Be Home For Christmas"  
Awarded jointly with: Edward J. McDonald and Jan Scott

Bruce Weitz, College of Fine Arts 1966
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series, 1984
"Hill Street Blues"

Ken Welch, College of Fine Arts 1947
Outstanding Achievement in Music and Lyrics, 1981
"Linda in Wonderland"
Awarded jointly with: Mitzie Welch**

Outstanding Achievement in Special Musical Material, 1978
"The Sentry Collection Presents Ben Vereen-His Root"
Awarded jointly with: Mitzie Welch**

Outstanding Achievement in Special Musical Material, 1976
"The Carol Burnett Show"
Awarded jointly with: Mitzie Welch** and Artie Malvin

Musician of the Year, 1974
"Barbra Streisand...And Other Musical Instruments"
Awarded jointly with: Mitzie Welch** and Jack Parnell

Best Music Direction of a Variety, Musical or Dramatic Program, 1974
"Barbra Streisand...and Other Musical Instruments"
Awarded jointly with: Mitzie Welch** and Jack Parnell

Mitzie Welch, College of Fine Arts 1954
Outstanding Achievement in Music and Lyrics, 1981
"Linda in Wonderland"
Awarded jointly with: Ken Welch**

Outstanding Achievement in Special Musical Material, 1978
"The Sentry Collection Presents Ben Vereen-His Root"
Awarded jointly with: Ken Welch**

Outstanding Achievement in Special Musical Material, 1976
"The Carol Burnett Show"
Awarded jointly with: Ken Welch** and Artie Malvin

Musician of the Year, 1974
"Barbra Streisand...And Other Musical Instruments"
Awarded jointly with: Ken Welch** and Jack Parnell

Best Music Direction of a Variety, Musical or Dramatic Program, 1974
"Barbra Streisand...And Other Musical Instruments"
Awarded jointly with: Ken Welch** and Jack Parnell

John Wells, College of Fine Arts 1979
Outstanding Drama Series, 2003
"The West Wing"    
Awarded jointly with: Neal Ahern Jr., Kevin Falls, Alex Graves, Kristin Harms, Christopher Misiano, Paul Redford, Thomas Schlamme, Aaron Sorkin and Llewellyn Wells

Outstanding Drama Series, 2002
"The West Wing"   
Awarded jointly with: Michael Hissrich**, Aaron Sorkin, Thomas Schlamme, Christopher Misiano, Alex Graves, Kevin Falls, Llewellyn Wells and Kristin Harms

Outstanding Special Class Program, 2002
"The West Wing: Documentary Special"   
Awarded jointly with: Michael Hissrich**, Eli Attie, William Couturie, Kevin Falls, Anne Sandkuhler, Thomas Schlamme, Aaron Sorkin, Llewellyn Wells and Felicia Wilson

Outstanding Drama Series, 2001
"The West Wing"
Awarded jointly with: Michael Hissrich**, Kevin Falls, Kristin Harms, Lawrence O'Donnell Jr., Thomas Schlamme, Aaron Sorkin and Llewellyn Wells

Outstanding Drama Series, 2000
"The West Wing"
Awarded jointly with: Aaron Sorkin, Thomas Schlamme, Llewellyn Wells and Kristin Harms

Outstanding Drama Series, 1996
Awarded jointly with: Christopher Chulack, Michael Crichton, Carol Flint, Mimi Leder, Paul Manning, Wendy Spence and Lydia Woodward

Constance Wexler, College of Fine Arts 1948*
Outstanding Achievement in Daytime Programming, 1979
"Search for Tomorrow"

Mark White, College of Fine Arts 1984
Outstanding Production Design For A Narrative Contemporary Program (One Hour Or More)
"The Handmade's Tale"
Awarded jointly with: Elisabeth Williams, Martha Sparrow and Caroline Gee

Mark Worthington, College of Fine Arts 1991
Outstanding Production Design For A Narrative Program (Half-Hour), 2021
Awarded jointly with: Sharon Davis and Kathy Orlando

Bud Yorkin, College of Engineering 1948*
Best Direction of a Single Musical or Variety Program, 1959
"An Evening with Fred Astaire"

Best Writing of a Single Musical or Variety Program, 1959
"An Evening with Fred Astaire"
Awarded jointly with: Herbert Baker

*Denotes faculty/alumni who are deceased.
**Also a Carnegie Mellon alumna/alumn

Tony AwardsTony Award

The American Theater Wing honors individuals and productions considered among Broadway's best. Carnegie Mellon alumni have received 60 Tony Awards to date.

CMU also is the exclusive higher education partner of the Tony Awards. As part of the collaboration, the two organizations launched the Tony Honor for Excellence in Theatre Education, the first national recognition program to honor kindergarten through high-school (K-12) theatre educators. Learn more »

Rene Auberjonois, College of Fine Arts 1962
Actor, Supporting or Featured (Musical), 1970

Christian Borle, College of Fine Arts 1995
Actor, Featured Role (Play), 2012
"Peter and the Starcatcher"

Actor, Featured Role (Musical), 2015
"Something Rotten"

Jamie deRoy, College of Fine Arts 1967
Best Play as a producer, 2023

Best Revival of a Musical as a producer, 2023

Best Play as a producer, 2020
"The Inheritance"
Awarded jointly with: Tom Kirdahy, Sonia Friedman Productions, Hunter Arnold, Elizabeth Dewberry & Ali Ahmet Kocabiyik, 1001 Nights Productions, Robert Greenblatt, Mark Lee, Peter May, Scott Rudin, Richard Winkler, Bruce Cohen, Mara Isaacs, Greg Berlanti & Robbie Rogers, Brad Blume, Burnt Umber Productions, Shane Ewen, Greenleaf Productions, Marguerite Hoffman, Oliver Roth, Joseph Baker/Drew Hodges, Stephanie P. McClelland, Broadway Strategic Return Fund, Caiola Productions, Mary J. Davis, Kayla Greenspan, Fakston Productions, FBK Productions, Sally Cade Holmes, Benjamin Lowy, MWM Live, Lee & Alec Seymour, Lorenzo Thione, Sing Out, Louise! Productions, AB Company/Julie Boardman, Adam Zell & Co/ZKM Media, Jamie deRoy/Catherine Adler, DeSantis-Baugh Productions/Adam Hyndman, Gary DiMauro/Meredith Lynsey Schade, John Goldwyn/Silva Theatrical Group, Deborah Green/Christina Mattsson, Cliff Hopkins/George Scarles, Invisible Wall Productions/Lauren Stein, Sharon Karmazin/Broadway Factor NYC, Brian Spector/Madeleine Foster Bersin, Undivided Productions/Hysell Dohr Group, Ushkowitzlatimer Productions/Tyler Mount, The Young Vic

Best Play as a producer, 2019
"The Ferryman"
Awarded jointly with: Sonia Friedman Productions, Neal Street Productions, Ronald Frankel, Gavin Kalin Productions, Roy Furman/Benjamin Lowy, Scott M. Delman, Stephanie P. McClelland, Tulchin Bartner Productions, Ron Kastner, Starry Night Entertainment, Kallish Weinstein Creative, Scott Landis, Steve Traxler, Richard Winkler, Rona Delves Broughton/Bill Damaschke, 1001 Nights, Burnt Umber Productions, Rupert Gavin, Scott Rudin, Jamie deRoy/Catherine Adler, Sam Levy/Lauren Stevens, Ramin Sabi/Christopher Ketner

Best Musical as producer, 2018
"The Band's Visit"
Awarded jointly with: Orin Wolf, StylesFour Productions, Evamere Entertainment, Atlantic Theater Company, David F. Schwartz, Barbara Broccoli, Frederick Zollo, Grove • REG, Lassen Blume Baldwin, Thomas Steven Perakos, Marc Platt, The Shubert Organization, The Baruch/Routh/Frankel/Viertel Group, Robert Cole, deRoy-Carr-Klausner, Federman-Moellenberg, FilmNation Entertainment, Roy Furman, FVSL Theatricals, Hendel-Karmazin, HoriPro Inc., IPN, Jam Theatricals, The John Gore Organization, Koenigsberg-Krauss, David Mirvish, James L. Nederlander, Al Nocciolino, Once Upon a Time Productions, Susan Rose, Paul Shiverick, Allan Williams

Best Revival of a Musical as producer, 2018
"Once on This Island"
Awarded jointly with: Ken Davenport, Hunter Arnold, Carl Daikeler, Roy Putrino, Broadway Strategic Return Fund, Sandi Moran, Caiola Productions, H. Richard Hopper, Diego Kolankowsky, Brian Cromwell Smith, Ron Kastner, Rob Kolson, Judith Manocherian/Kevin Lyle, Jay Alix/Una Jackman/Jeff Wise, Witzend Productions/Jeff Grove/Wishnie-Strasberg, Mark Ferris/Michelle Riley/Marie Stevenson, Silva Theatrical Group/Jesse McKendry/Dr. Mojgan Fajiram, Conor Bagley/Brendan C. Tetro/Invisible Wall Productions, Silverwalport Productions/Tyler Mount/Ushkowitzlatimer Productions, The Harbert Family/Reilly Hickey, Keith Cromwell/Red Mountain Theatre Company, 42nd.Club/The Yonnone Family/Island Productions

Best Revival of a Play as producer, 2018
"Angels in America"
Awarded jointly with: Tim Levy for NT America, Jordan Roth, Rufus Norris & Lisa Burger for the National Theatre, Elliott & Harper Productions, Kash Bennett for NT Productions, Aged in Wood, The Baruch-Viertel-Routh-Frankel Group, Jane Bergère, Adam Blanshay Productions, Catwenjam Productions, Jean Doumanian, Gilad-Rogowsky, Gold-Ross Productions, The John Gore Organization, Grove Entertainment, Harris Rubin Productions, Hornos-Moellenberg, Brian & Dayna Lee, Benjamin Lowy, Stephanie P. McClelland, David Mirvish, Mark Pigott, Jon B. Platt, E. Price-LD Ent., Daryl Roth, Catherine Schreiber, Barbara Whitman, Jujamcyn Theaters, The Nederlander Organization, The Shubert Organization 

Best Musical as producer, 2014
"A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder"
Awarded jointly with: Joey Parnes, S.D. Wagner, John Johnson, 50 Church Street Productions, Joan Raffe and Jhett Tolentino, Jay Alix and Una Jackman, Catherine and Fred Adler, Rhoda Herrick, Kathleen K. Johnson, Megan Savage, ShadowCatcher Entertainment, Ron Simons, True Love Productions, Four Ladies and One Gent, John Arthur Pinckard, Greg Nobile, Stewart Lane and Bonnie Comley, Exeter Capital/Ted Snowdon, Ryan Hugh Mackey, Cricket-CTM Media/Mano-Horn Productions, Dennis Grimaldi/Margot Astrachan, Hello Entertainment/Jamie Bendell, Michael T. Cohen/Joe Sirola, Joseph and Carson Gleberman/William Megevick, Green State Productions, The Hartford Stage and The Old Globe

Best Play as producer, 2013
"Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike"
Awarded jointly with: Joey Parnes, Larry Hirschhorn, Joan Raffe and Jhett Tolentino, Martin Platt** and David Elliott, Pat Flicker Addiss, Catherine Adler, John O'Boyle, Joshua Goodman, Richard Winkler, Cricket Hooper Jiranek/Michael Palitz, Mark S. Golub & David S. Golub, Radio Mouse Entertainment, ShadowCatcher Entertainment, Mary Cossette/Barbara Manocherian, Megan Savage/Meredith Lynsey Schade, Hugh Hysell/Richard Jordan, Cheryl Wiesenfeld/Ron Simons, S.D. Wagner, John Johnson, McCarter Theatre Center and Lincoln Center Theater 

Best Revival (Play) as producer, 2009
"The Norman Conquests"
Awarded jointly with: Sonia Friedman Productions, Steven Baruch, Marc Routh, Richard Frankel, Tom Viertel, Dede Harris, Tulchin/Bartner/Lauren Doll, Eric Falkenstein, Harriet Newman Leve, Probo Productions, Douglas G. Smith, Michael Filerman/Jennifer Manocherian, Richard Winkler, Dan Frishwasser, Pam Laudenslager/Remmel T. Dickinson, Jane Dubin/True Love Productions, Barbara Manocherian/Jennifer Isaacson and The Old Vic Theatre Company

Peggy Eisenhauer, College of Fine Arts 1983
Lighting Design, 2013
"Lucky Guy"
Awarded jointly with: Jules Fisher**

Lighting Design, 2004
Awarded jointly with: Jules Fisher**

Lighting Design, 1996
"Bring in da Noise/Bring in da Funk"
Awarded jointly with: Jules Fisher**

Katie Finneran, College of Fine Arts 1989-1990
Actress, Featured Role (Musical), 2010
"Promises, Promises"

Actress, Featured Role (Play), 2002
"Noises Off" 

Jules Fisher, College of Fine Arts 1960
Lighting Design, 2013
"Lucky Guy"
Awarded jointly with: Peggy Eisenhauer**

Lighting Design, 2004
Awarded jointly with: Peggy Eisenhauer**  

Lighting Design, 1996
"Bring in 'da Noise/Bring in 'da Funk"
Awarded jointly with: Peggy Eisenhauer**

Lighting Design, 1992
"Jelly's Last Jam"

Lighting Design, 1991
"The Will Rogers Follies"

Lighting Design, 1990
"Grand Hotel, The Musical"

Lighting Design, 1978

Lighting Design, 1974
"Ulysses in Nighttown"

Lighting Design, 1973

Sutton Foster, College of Fine Arts 1992-93
Actress (Musical), 2002
“Thoroughly Modern Millie”

Actress (Musical), 2011
“Anything Goes”

Herb Gardner, College of Fine Arts 1956*
Play, 1986
"I'm Not Rappaport"
Awarded jointly with: James Walsh, Lewis Allen and Martin Heinfling

Renée Elise Goldsberry, College of Fine Arts 1993
Actress (Musical), 2016

Peter Hylenski, College of Fine Arts 1997
Best Sound Design of a Musical, 2020
"Moulin Rouge! The Musical"

Cherry Jones, College of Fine Arts 1978
Actress (Play), 2005

Actress (Play), 1995
"The Heiress"

John Arthur Kennedy, College of Fine Arts 1936, 1966*
Actor, Supporting or Featured (Dramatic), 1949
"Death of a Salesman"

Eugene Lee, College of Fine Arts 1962
Scenic Designer, 2004

Scenic Designer, 1979
"Sweeney Todd"

Scenic Designer, 1974
Awarded jointly with: Franne Lee

Judith Light, College of Fine Arts 1970
Actress, Featured Role (Play), 2013
"The Assembled Parties"

Actress, Featured Role (Play), 2012
"Other Desert Cities"

Patina Miller, College of Fine Arts 2006
Actress (Musical), 2013

Roger Morgan, College of Fine Arts 1961
Lighting Design, 1979
"The Crucifer of Blood"

Leslie Odom Jr., College of Fine Arts 2003
Actor (Musical), 2016

Martin Platt, College of Fine Arts 1971
Best Play as producer, 2013
"Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike"
Awarded jointly with: Joey Parnes, Larry Hirschhorn, Joan Raffe and Jhett Tolentino, David Elliott, Pat Flicker Addiss, Catherine Adler, John O'Boyle, Joshua Goodman, Jamie deRoy**/Richard Winkler, Cricket Hooper Jiranek/Michael Palitz, Mark S. Golub and David S. Golub, Radio Mouse Entertainment, ShadowCatcher Entertainment, Mary Cossette/Barbara Manocherian, Megan Savage/Meredith Lynsey Schade, Hugh Hysell/Richard Jordan, Cheryl Wiesenfeld/Ron Simons, S.D. Wagner, John Johnson, McCarter Theatre Center, Lincoln Center Theater

Billy Porter, College of Fine Arts 1991
Actor (Musical), 2013
"Kinky Boots"

Ellis Rabb, College of Fine Arts 1953*
Director (Play), 1976
"The Royal Family"

Lester Rawlins, College of Fine Arts 1950*
Actor (Play), 1978

Ann Roth, College of Fine Arts 1953
Costume Design (Play), 2013
"The Nance"

Mel Shapiro, College of Fine Arts 1961
Book (Musical), 1972
"Two Gentlemen of Verona"
Awarded jointly with: John Guare

Sada Thompson, College of Fine Arts 1949*
Actress (Dramatic), 1972

Tamara Tunie, College of Fine Arts 1981
Best Musical as Producer, 2007
"Spring Awakening"
Awarded jointly with: Ira Pittelman, Tom Hulce, Jeffrey Richards, Jerry Frankel, Atlantic Theater Company, Jeffrey Sine, Freddy DeMann, Max Cooper, Mort Swinsky/Cindy and Jay Gutterman/Joe McGinnis/Judith Ann Abrams, ZenDog Productions/CarJac Productions, Aron Bergson Productions/Jennifer Manocherian/Ted Snowdon, Harold Thau/Terry Schnuck/Cold Spring Productions, Amanda Dubois/Elizabeth Eynon Wetherell, Jennifer Maloney/Joe Cilibrasi/StyleFour Productions

Pamela Winslow Kashani, College of Fine Arts 1987
Best Musical as Producer, 2010
Awarded jointly with: Junkyard Dog Productions, Barbara and Buddy Freitag, Marleen and Kenny Alhadeff, Latitude Link, Jim and Susan Blair, Demos Bizar Entertainment, Land Line Productions, Apples and Oranges Productions, Dave Copley, Dancap Productions, Inc., Alex and Katya Lukianov, Tony Ponturo, 2 Guys Productions, Richard Winkler, Lauren Doll, Eric and Marsi Gardiner, Linda and Bill Potter, Broadway Across America, Jocko Productions, Patty Baker, Dan Frishwasser, Bob Bartner/Scott and Kaylin Union, Loraine Boyle/Chase Mishkin, Remmel T. Dickinson/Memphis Orpheum Group, ShadowCatcher Entertainment/Vijay and Sita Vashee.

*Denotes faculty/alumni who are deceased.
**Also a Carnegie Mellon alumna/alumnus