Carnegie Mellon University

Undergraduate Program in Applied Multilingual Studies

The Applied Multilingual Studies Program allows students to analyze social, cultural and cognitive dimensions of multilingualism and its development. Students explore questions related to issues surrounding identity, diversity and culture such as: Are they monolingual, bilingual or multilingual? Is their identity linked to what order the languages were learned in? How are their languages used, with whom, and in which environments? The intellectual goals and educational merits of this major and minor program are:

  • to prepare students for participation in a globalized and intercultural world where multilingualism is the norm and intercultural communication occurs in business, technology, science, economics, politics and everyday life
  • going beyond the acquisition of languages as a skill by placing an emphasis on qualitative and sociocultural approaches and understanding the experience of multilingualism, its development and its place in contemporary society
  • including CMU’s already multilingual and international student population that is interested in multilingualism and applied linguistics.

View a detailed listing of curriculum requirements for the Major in Applied Multilingual Studies and Minor in Applied Multilingual Studies programs.