Carnegie Mellon University

Future of AI

June 04, 2024

AI Daily: A Hub for Innovation, Learning, and Collaboration

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) has long been at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and development, from the early days of AI exploration to today's cutting-edge innovations. Our pioneering research, world-renowned faculty, and history of groundbreaking achievements position us as a community to drive the next wave of AI advancements.

As a part of this legacy, Computing Services is thrilled to introduce AI Daily, a dynamic learning and engagement platform. AI Daily is more than just a website; it is a hub for innovation, learning, and collaboration. We aim to provide faculty, staff, researchers, and students with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to harness the power of AI in their academic and professional endeavors. We will feature a new theme each month, providing fresh perspectives and insights into various aspects of AI.

Interactive Learning

The Ask the AI Architect feature on AI Daily is one of its highlights! Each month, Bo Powers, Ph.D., our AI Architect, answers real questions from the community, offering practical advice and actionable prompts. This FAQ-style segment is intended to clarify AI concepts and offer insights that can be immediately applied to your work.

Additionally, the Monthly Challenge focuses on generative Artificial Intelligence to enhance your skills. Winning results will be showcased monthly for inspiration.


At the heart of our initiative is an AI Community dedicated to promoting collaboration, sharing knowledge, and fostering expertise campus-wide. Our Community has several essential elements:

  • Monthly poll: Participate to share your thoughts and gauge where you stand among your colleagues.
  • Discussion board: Engage in broad conversations and stay informed about upcoming events.
  • Chat space: Join technical discussions and receive quick updates in our dedicated chat spaces.


Our goal is to improve teaching, learning, and research while increasing productivity in administration and operations. Our AI Daily resources provide AI tools and guidance to create a more efficient, innovative, and connected university environment, allowing everyone on campus to utilize AI tools effectively.

Join Us in Shaping the Future

The AI Daily and our Community of Practice are here to help you navigate the evolving landscape of AI. Together, we can spark innovation, drive technological advancements, and prepare the next generation of inventors and business leaders. Join us in shaping the future of AI at CMU and beyond.

This article was assisted by AI.