Carnegie Mellon University

Campus & Community Partner Opportunities

The Olitsky Family Foundation Career Readiness Programs provides opportunities for campus partners to learn about systemic obstacles that individuals with differences face in educational and professional spaces. The program provides opportunities to learn about the value of diversity and accessibility in academia and the workplace, plus the knowledge and takeaways to support and highlight the value of differences in their academic and professional spaces. The program also provides opportunities for community and campus partners to collaborate with the program on supporting students with differences and hosting educational sessions.

Educational Sessions

Educational sessions for campus and community partners for the 2024-2025 academic year be announced soon! In the meantime, watch the most recent session in the sidebar or on the CPDC YouTube page.

How to Collaborate With Us

The Olitsky Family Foundation Career Readiness Program welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with community and campus partners on student events, employer training sessions and educational sessions. If you're interested in learning more about how you can collaborate with the program, contact the program manager, Amy Tavares, at for more information.