Carnegie Mellon University
Person in front of a microphone.

New Publication!

2022–2023 Sylvia & David Steiner Speaker Series

written by
Harrison Apple

During the 2022–2023 Speaker Series, the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry worked with CMU faculty, students and staff to create online, in-person and hybrid events across all five schools under the College of Fine Arts and beyond. We are proud to have hosted and sponsored over 35 speakers: a broad array of artists, activists, designers, filmmakers, performers, architects, musicians and engineers who engaged our community with one-of-a-kind events. Read more about our visiting artists in the fifth annual Sylvia & David Steiner Series book [PDF]!

This exciting full year of in-person programming was led by the directorship of Nica Ross, with assistance from their staff: Associate Director Harrison Apple, Program Coordinator Bill Rodgers, Financial Assistant Carol Hernandez and Business Manager Linda Hager.

featuring the following:

photography by Beth Barbis