Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy & Technology

CMU's Home for Political Science and International Relations

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Nicolas Albarracin

Nicolas M. Albarracin

US Navy USSOCOM Fellow, Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology

5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) First Class Nick Albarracin enlisted in the Navy in 2015. With nine years of active-duty service in naval special operations, his background includes strategic planning, critical evaluation, risk mitigation, tactical expertise, and innovative thinking to solve complex problems. He is a recognized subject matter expert on military and homemade explosives, SCUBA and mixed gas diving, and military parachuting.

Past roles include Counter-Improvised Explosive Device operations, rendering safe and disposing of explosive hazards such as underwater mines and conventional ordnance, and handling chemical, biological, and radiological threats. Nick most recently served at EOD Mobile Unit Twelve (Little Creek, VA), in a Naval Special Warfare small tactical unit supporting SEAL Team Two (Little Creek, VA). Other assignments include EOD Mobile Unit Three (Coronado, California).

Military and Civilian Education: Advanced Diagnostic Training, Defense Nuclear Weapons School. Home Made Explosives, National Center for Explosives Training and Research- Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). BA in Homeland Security. American Military University. Charles Town, WV.