Carnegie Mellon University

Courtney Novosat

Courtney Novosat

Lecturer, Writing & Communication

  • Posner Hall
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Courtney Novosat (she/her) joins CMU having taught first-year writing, professional writing, literature, and humanities courses at thirteen colleges or universities in three states since 2003. She has also freelanced as a professional writer for Bedford/St.Martin’s, where she has contributed to more than a dozen composition, rhetoric, and literature textbooks and co-authored five resource guides advising instructors on course design, assignments, and teaching approach. Courtney’s pedagogical interests in reflective writing, rhetorics of resistance, and cultivating antiracist teaching practices draw from her literary scholarship on discourses of race and racism in American literature from the nineteenth century to the present. She has published in Poe Studies, MOSF: Journal of Science Fiction, The Hallmark Channel: Critical Essays on Comfort Television, and has a chapter forthcoming in Yours for Humanity: New Essays on Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins (University of Georgia Press, 2022).


Ph.D., West Virginia University (2016)  

M.A., Duquesne University (2005)

B.A., Duquesne University (2002)