Carnegie Mellon University

Christian Sherwin

Christian Sherwin

MA in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition

Education: B.A. University of Pennsylvania, East Asian Languages and Cultures

My main areas of interest are Japanese language and culture, as well as finding methods that facilitate the acquisition of secondary languages.

Being able to use Japanese with native speakers has allowed me to gain a glimpse into another culture entirely, opening my eyes to the different kinds of traditions, values, and ideologies that these people hold. By doing this, it has allowed me to further grasp the scope of what intrinsic characteristics define culture, giving me the ability to be introspective of what aspects define me and my culture. Studying language can be an avenue for connection to something that is so foreign to what we know, however you can also use it as a pathway to further self discovery in the same facet. That is what is so beautiful about language to me. I want to further my journey of studying language to build connections with people that are different to me, and to spread the wonders of what exposing yourself to another culture can do for society as a whole. 

  • Japanese Language and Culture
  • Chinese Language and Culture
  • Education
  • Teaching English as a Second Language

Department Member Since 2023