Carnegie Mellon University

Arab Culture Through Dialogues, Film, and Literature: Minorities in the Middle East and North Africa

Course Number: 82-215

This course is taught in English.

In today's society that explores Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), one ought to ponder if Arab societies have made progress to ensure DEI among minorities of other races, religions (Muslims, Christians, Jews), sects (Sunni and Shi'a), ethnicities (Copts, Nubians, Kurds), Palestinians, and LGBTQ groups. This course aims to enrich students' understanding of the diversity of Arab countries and the historical changes that have shaped identities of these groups and explore the progress made in granting them more rights. Students will learn the impact of colonialism, Pan-Arabism, socio-economy, and cultural norms on minorities' status through readings, films/documentaries, music, data collected via surveys and virtual sessions with students in Arab countries.

View the schedule of classes for more details

Units: 9