Carnegie Mellon University

Kira Kiesler

Class of 2024
B.A. in Ethics, History and Public Policy and Philosophy
Hometown: Alamo, California

What communities do you claim membership within?

I am a part of the animal sanctuary community in California as well as being a part of the LGBTQ community and the disabled community as I am a lesbian and disabled.

What areas of community engagement are you most passionate about?

I am passionate about advocating for both human and animal rights and I run a 501(c)3 non-profit farmed animal rescue, Genevieve's Gentle Hearts Rescue, which is specifically dedicated to helping disabled farmed animals.

Why did you choose to become a fellow?

I wanted to grow my perspective and learn new ways to actively engage with different communities and make effective change.

What are you enjoying most about the fellowship so far?

I love meeting and having engaging conversations with my peers and learning their perspectives on important issues.