Carnegie Mellon University

Chen holding award

July 11, 2022

Chen Wins Best Oral Presentation at Annual Microwave Power Symposium

By Sera Passerini

Morgan Chen, a Ph.D. student in CMU’s Mechanical Engineering Department, was awarded Best Oral Presentation in the Student Competition of the 56th Annual Microwave Power Symposium (June 14 - 16, 2022) presented by the International Microwave Power Institute (IMPI). Chen’s work, “The Effect of Different Microwave Powers and Frequencies in the Reduction of Magnetite to Iron,” was a collaboration with the National Energy Technology Lab operated by the U.S. Department of Energy.


Chen’s travel to the symposium in Georgia was supported by B. Reeja Jayan’s fellowship with the Scott Institute. Microwaves and similar forms of radiation are a possible alternative low temperature energy source, with energy savings upwards of 80% and benefits for the processing of industrial materials.

The IMPI 56 Symposium was held in Savannah, Georgia with over 100 in-person attendees, bringing together researchers, technologies, engineers, and industry professionals to present and discuss microwave and radio frequency power applications.  Each year, students attending the symposium are invited to participate in the student paper competition and winners are announced during the Closing Ceremony.