Carnegie Mellon University

Group Photo from Norwegian Delegation

October 24, 2022

Scott Institute Hosts Norwegian Energy Officials During GCEAF

By Katelyn Haas-Conrad

The Scott Institute hosted Per Arne Karlsen, Special Advisor on Resource Industries & the Environment Research Council of Norway, and David Barratt-Due, Advisor in The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Climate, Industry and Technology Department (KIT), Research and Technology Section (FOT), from Norway during their visit to Pittsburgh for the Global Clean Energy Action Forum in September. 

Several Scott Institute faculty discussed energy topics of interest of both countries. This meeting was facilitated by Faculty Affiliate Grigorios Panagakos who knows members of the Research Council of Norway (RCN) team through collaboration on research initiatives on CCUS. He is working on the ACT initiative managed by RCN. The collaboration just completed Innovative Membranes for Carbon Capture at Sea (MemCCSea) which was funded by the US DOE and supervised by RCN.