Carnegie Mellon University

group photo

June 10, 2024

Congratulations Class of 2023-2024!

By Nicole Rihn

The EST&P master’s program celebrated the graduation of 13 students on May 11, 2024, that included those from its 2023-2024 class. At the diploma ceremony, graduates received their Foundational Energy Master's Degrees or Applied Study Energy Master's Degrees. They have become part of our network of over 260 EST&P alumni and over 109,000 CMU alumni from around the world. Over 50 attendees, including graduates, family, friends, and EST&P core faculty, attended the lunch reception and ceremony in the Bosch Spark Conference Room in Scott Hall.

Disha Veena Giridhar (M.S., EST&P, 2014), an EST&P alum, delivered the keynote speech at the ceremony. Disha is an energy professional currently holding the role of Business Development Lead, at Honda Trading Canada. “Keep moving forward focussed on the goal, the fruit of your labour will follow,” Disha said. She shared with the graduates a couple of key things she has learned over the years: “Learn to solve for underlying pain points, if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room and keep at it – and soon you’ll find yourself being the unique voice in the room.”

Two Academic Excellence awards were given to graduates to acknowledge their outstanding academic achievements:

  • Malvika Agarwal (M.S., EST&P-AAS, 2023)
  • Elizabeth Barré (M.S., EST&P, 2024)

 Photographs from the event are available on Shutterfly.

Congratulations to EST&P class of 2023-2024!