The Mall and Beyond

As you walk toward Wean Hall, you'll see "the Mall" grassy area to your left. Wean Hall is home to many of the world's most prominent computer scientists and researchers. In addition to Computer Science, Wean Hall also houses the departments of MAthematics, Physics, Materials Science and the Engineering and Science Library.

Hamerschlag Hall is home to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. It also contains engineering classrooms and a "Clean room," which was originally a room where coal was burned to fuel the energy needs of the campus. At that time, shoveling coal was a freshman responsibility required for graduation. This room, once the dirtiest room on campus, is now the cleanest room being 97 - 99% dust- and dirt-free where computer chips and parts are assembled. This is part of the nationally noted Magnetic Technology Center. The building was renamed in 1965 for Arthur A. Hamerschlag, first president of Carnegie Institute of Technology.

Now let's take a short walk down the steps beside Hamerschlag Hall to reach Scaife Hall!

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