Carnegie Mellon University

What to Expect 

Founded in 2004 in the Silicon Flatirons Program at the University of Colorado Law School, The Institute for Regulatory Law and Economics (IRLE) has held an annual workshop for regulators every year since. Below are testimonials from past participants.

Past participant Tony Clark, then a commissioner on the North Dakota Public Service Commission and subsequently Chair of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, described the IRLE as,

“an intellectually rigorous, thought provoking and thoroughly enjoyable experience for participants. The facilitators don’t tell you what to think, rather they equip regulators with tools for analyzing the complex issues that come before us. It is unique among the educational opportunities for regulators.”

Michael Isenberg of the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Cable said of his experience at the 2008 IRLE seminar,

“Everything about the program was excellent, from the topics covered, the quality of the instructors and presentations, the discussions between the presenters and the state commissioners and staff, and of course, the wonderful accommodations in beautiful Aspen. By far, it was the most helpful, interesting seminar I’ve attended.”

Brian Thomas of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission has attended IRLE twice, most recently in October 2018:

"The annual seminar of the Institute of Regulatory Law and Economics (IRLE) is a fantastic opportunity for members of the state regulatory community to gather and discuss the evolution of economic theory in the context of issues affecting regulated industries. Over several days in the intimate setting of the Aspen Institute in Aspen, Colorado, the seminar covers a number of topics related to state regulation of energy, communications, and other industries including economic analysis of regulation, trends in technology, origins of regulation and regulatory theory, and application of corporate finance to regulated industries.

While there are a host of industry and regulatory conferences, seminars, and other educational opportunities that are routinely available to state regulators and staff, there is something materially different and special about the IRLE program. Unlike national programs with hundreds of attendees, the IRLE seminar comprises a team of highly knowledgeable and well-versed IRLE faculty that lead a small group of selected attendees through a vigorous exploration and deep dive into cutting-edge legal and economic issues that state regulators consistently encounter in carrying out their statutory responsibilities balancing the interests of customers and utilities.

IRLE is different. The exceptional faculty, the dynamics of a small group setting, the array of attendees with diverging perspectives; all coupled with the amazing Aspen setting, engenders a remarkable learning experience of lasting importance.  

Put simply, the IRLE seminar is a unique opportunity for state commissioners and key staff to step away from day to day activities in order to broadly consider the role of state regulation in the context of evolving economic theory and industry challenges. I attended the 2018 IRLE seminar and could not be happier."


You can expect plenty of insights, discussion, and learning in a casual yet rigorous intellectual environment. Between formal sessions, break periods, meals, and free time we will have many opportunities to interact and share ideas among participants and faculty. Free time also provides opportunities to enjoy the beauty of Aspen and the Rocky Mountains.
The dress code for the workshop is casual. Aspen Meadows has a fitness center and a pool, and the resort is surrounded by walking and hiking trails up hills and along the Roaring Fork River. Bicycle rental for cruiser/town bikes is available on-site, and rental for road bikes and mountain bikes is available in Aspen (if you are interested in cycling contact Lynne Kiesling).
Weather and Elevation

Aspen is located in the Rockies at 7,800 feet of elevation, so the weather ranges from temperatures in the mid-20s overnight to the 70s during the day. Rain and snow are possible. When packing be sure to bring layers to adjust to temperature changes. Aspen’s elevation also means that dehydration is common, so come prepared to drink lots of water (and to limit caffeine and alcohol if you feel the effects of the elevation).

Registration to the IRLE workshop will include all materials needed for experiments and readings, lodging, meals and snacks, shuttle to/from the airport and reimbursed flight fees. You will be responsible for making your own flight arrangements. IRLE will reimburse you for your economy class airfare from your home location to/from the conference for the four nights of the conference. You will be responsible for bringing flight receipts to the workshop (or emailing them to Kim Martin) and completing the paperwork. Reimbursements will not be issued prior to the workshop.
Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop

Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop

Faculty members pose for a picture

Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop 

Doug Sicker gives a presentation to the participants

Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop

Participants engage in conversation

Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop

Lynne Kielsing leads the participants in discussion

Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop

Participants listen intently to the presentation

Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop

Participants listen intently to the presentation

Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop

Participants work in pairs to complete a simulation

Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop

Participants work in pairs to complete a simulation

Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop

Participants work in pairs to complete a simulation

Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop

Participants work in pairs to complete a simulation

Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop

Raymond L Gifford gives a presentation to the participants

Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop

Participants engage in conversation after hours

Past IRLE Workshop

2018 IRLE Workshop

The beautiful Aspen scenery provides a stunning backdrop for the workshop