Carnegie Mellon University

Enrollment Services

Information for Faculty & Staff

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February 06, 2020

S3 Release 98 Includes MyCommunity Features

By ES Communications

The latest S3 release on February 6 included two MyCommunity project features, as well as improvements for users of screen readers. 

A list of semester instructors has been added to the student summary screen in S3. Some or all of the student’s instructors can now easily be emailed directly from the screen.

Additionally, student support staff (academic advisors, student affairs staff, housefellows, college liaisons and associate deans) will be able to access a new page from the student summary screen that displays more sensitive student contact information.

Accessibility improvements incorporated new messaging for screen reader users so they will know which screen reader and browser combination is best for accessing the S3 Admin Console.

Other minor additions to this release also included:

  • Class level 1 labeling changed from Freshmen to First-Year student to be more inclusive
  • Changes to allow for more accurate tracking of QPA release information
  • Improved messaging displayed to newly admitted students who log in to SIO before their student record is available
  • Expanded functionality to include searching by User ID on the Advanced Search screen
  • Updated technology in Student Information Online (SIO) and My Plaid Student (MPS) applications to keep them well-supported and secure

The ability for departments to set course reservations by major, a project initiated and funded through the Task Force on the CMU Experience’s Academic Policies and Practices Committee, is set to be released in the next few months. Additionally, the first phase of MyCommunity will continue to roll out new features that will impact advisor roles.

Questions and comments about this release may be submitted via the feedback button in the S3 Admin Console. For additional details about S3 and user guides, visit