Carnegie Mellon University

League of Immuno-Legends Card Game

This card game complements the Immunology slide show and lessons that can be presented in a classroom.  You will need to download and print several files, including player cards (cells), diseases cards and immunotherapy cards.  Players can choose between 12 different immune cells, with different stats/power against different types of diseases and disorders, that in turn have their own strength. Players must follow the immune system pathways to fight an infection, with dice giving a sense of chance. Players can also receive and use different immunotherapies as a boost against the diseases.

Note that the cards contain information about cells, diseases and immunotherapies and students can review and learn even if you do not have time to play the entire game in your class [but we know that students will enjoy the game, if you have time for it!]

This game was created by Claire Kenny, '21 Biomedical Engineering / Materials Science and Engineering.

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