Carnegie Mellon University

Lisa Krieg
Associate Vice President for Global Strategic Initiatives and Institutional Accreditation

Lisa Krieg offers over 30 years of higher education experience in compliance and accreditation, international education, enrollment management and organizational improvement. Krieg is a senior higher education administrator with a strategic perspective, deep management experience and broad experience across the CMU landscape of educational, enrollment and student service offerings.  

Accreditation and state compliance requires close attention to detail and deep knowledge of the institution and the application of regulations and rules consistently within CMU’s institutional context.   Krieg works with leadership, faculty and administrators across all CMU locations to bring an understanding of how the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) standards connect meaningfully with the unique aspects of a Carnegie Mellon education, and to highlight the benefits of peer reviewed accreditation. In addition to co-chairing CMU’s successful reaccreditation process from 2016 to 2018, Krieg has served on several MSCHE peer review teams for other institutions’ reaccreditation self-study processes. 

Krieg has presented at NAFSA: Association of International Educators regional conferences, NASFAA’s SEM Pathway leadership conference, and the Annual Conference of MSCHE in addition to dozens of presentations at CMU. She has visited over 40 countries and six continents for personal and professional travel and is a member of Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) and NAFSA: Association of International Educators. Lisa, a former Fulbright recipient in Korea (2005) for international educators, is a member of the 2023 AIEA Advanced SIO Leadership Academy.