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Ramayya Krishnan,
Dean of the H. John Heinz III College
John Lehoczky,
Dean of the Marianna Brown Dietrich College
of Humanities and Social Sciences

cordially invite you to a joint reception honoring

Amelia Haviland
as she receives the
Anna Loomis McCandless Professorship


Ann Lee
as she receives the
Estella Loomis McCandless Professorship

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
4 – 6 p.m.

Posner Center Lobby
Carnegie Mellon University
(between Posner Hall and the College of Fine Arts building)

RSVP by October 5, 2011 to


Questions? Please contact Susan Tate Hiser at 412-268-6567

Amelia Haviland Amelia Haviland (H&SS'00, '03; HNZ'03) is an associate professor at Heinz College. After earning her master's and doctoral degrees from Carnegie Mellon University, Haviland served as a senior statistician at the RAND Corporation. A statistician and a public policy researcher, Haviland is interested in using data analysis to inform policy questions that span health, civil justice, and criminology.
Learn about Amelia Haviland's work »


Ann Lee Ann Lee is an associate professor in the department of statistics at Carnegie Mellon University's Marianna Brown Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences and a program co-director of the machine learning department in the School of Computer Science. Prior to joining CMU in 2005, Lee was the J.W. Gibbs Assistant Professor in the department of mathematics at Yale University.
Learn about Ann Lee's work »

The Anna Loomis McCandless Professorship and The Estella Loomis McCandless Professorship

The McCandless Professorships were established by the late Anna Loomis McCandless; the Estella Loomis McCandless Professorship was named for her mother.

Anna Loomis McCandless was a 1919 graduate of Margaret Morrison Carnegie College, which closed in 1973. Margaret Morrison was an all-women's school that was one of the four original colleges in the Carnegie Institute of Technology, a predecessor of Carnegie Mellon. A native of Pittsburgh, McCandless worked for a private investor and then Fidelity Trust Co. after graduating from Carnegie Tech. She became the first female member of the Carnegie Mellon Board of Trustees in 1967 and was named a life trustee in 1973. She was the longest serving female trustee, having served on the board for 29 years. In 1963, McCandless received Carnegie Mellon's Alumni Service Award.

The McCandless Professorships are awarded every three years to two junior faculty members who have shown great promise in their field.

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