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  Four years ago, Randy Pausch moved millions with his "Last Lecture."

Among his many inspirational lessons was the story of Randy's parents encouraging his creativity by letting him paint his room with his sister, Tammy, and best friend, Jack.

When Randy's childhood home was going up for sale recently, his family and Carnegie Mellon University wanted to help preserve those memories.

Now you can join Tammy on a behind-the-scenes tour of his childhood room. Hear the story of each painting in her own words.

Watch the video and explore Randy's room via a Gigapan image »
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The family boat on a water-skiing adventure on Chesapeake Bay, painted by Tammy.

Thousands of generous individuals like you have helped fund Randy Pausch initiatives at Carnegie Mellon University. It was deeply important to Randy that the university and his work continue to thrive. If you would like to learn more about ways you can support his legacy, please visit CMU's "Honoring Randy" webpage.
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