Annual Giving Header

As you know, Carnegie Mellon's School of Drama continues to honor its legacy of excellence by educating artists in a vibrant, rigorous, idea-rich environment that prepares them for sustaining careers leading the theatre of the 21st Century.

The high standards we achieve reflect the creativity and giftedness of our students, as well as the skill and commitment of our faculty. And they are only possible with your support.

If you have already made your gift this year, I thank you for your generosity. If you have not, then I encourage you to please give to the School of Drama and help ensure that our many accomplishments – the ones that truly distinguish us from other theatrical training grounds – can continue in the future.

Each gift can help fund the recruitment of new faculty and leadership, ensure that we can acquire urgently needed computer technology, augment graduate scholarship support, enrich the production enhancement fund, allow us to continue to bring in front rank guests, and offset the costs associated with our TV partnership with WQED, among many other very real and continuing needs.

With your support, we can continue to send our students into the world prepared to change it.

Elizabeth Bradley
Head, School of Drama

P.S. – Your gift—of any amount—makes an impact. Please make your gift online today.