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This year was filled with exceptional achievements for the Mellon College of Science. We can now add a few more. Three Carnegie Mellon students, all of whom have strong connections to MCS, have just received Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships. The new Goldwater Scholars, like many of our talented and energetic students, participate in undergraduate research.

Take Betty Mbom, for example. She has conducted research both here and during the summer at Stanford. She was recently selected as one of five Gilliam Fellowship recipients from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. These outstanding students’ careers are on a faster track because of their involvement in research.

This is where you, our alumni, can help our students by making a contribution to the Dean’s Student Research Fund. With your gifts, we can offer summer research opportunities to attract particularly promising students or enable exceptional students to travel to conferences in their fields. The ability to effectively present research at conferences is a key aspect of our students’ professional development at both the undergraduate and graduate level.

Please join us in extending such opportunities to more students, both graduate and undergraduate, enhancing the education of our students and the prominence of science at Carnegie Mellon.

I hope we can count on you to make a gift to MCS this year.  If you have already made your gift this year, I thank you on behalf of our students, faculty and staff. It is an honor and a pleasure to lead this remarkable community.


Fred Gilman
Dean, Mellon College of Science

P.S. – Your gift—of any amount—makes an impact. Please make your gift online today.