Dear Friend of Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science,

New ground has been broken.

Construction of the School of Computer Science (SCS) Complex, including the Gates Center for Computer Science, is now underway, creating a nexus for campus and the Oakland neighborhood as well as a catalyst for computing at the university. This new facility will help Carnegie Mellon continue to lead the world in computing, to make big bets that will yield big breakthroughs, and to push the envelope of human understanding and innovation.

The SCS Complex will be an extraordinary environment, providing the best resources for the kind of collaborative education experience we offer, and including many flexible spaces for student and faculty participation. The dream of creating an environment where monumental breakthroughs in computer science occur is now well within our grasp.

So many exciting things are contributing to Carnegie Mellon’s success today: the presence of Google on campus, the recent launch of the Quality of Life Technology (QoLT) Center, and the establishment of the Microsoft-Carnegie Mellon Center for Computational Thinking are just a few of the latest examples. Yet, your active participation is the most critical of them all.

Members of our faculty have identified you as an SCS graduate who cares about this project and the groundbreaking education and research that will one day take place there. That’s why we have asked university staff who will be traveling this spring to contact you and share more information about the building plans and how you can be involved. As an example of the SCS alumni support these projects are receiving, 100 percent of the members of the SCS Alumni Advisory Board—along with others—have already generously contributed funds to the SCS Complex and Gates Center.

It would be our pleasure to show you the building progress in person, so please do not hesitate to let us know the next time you are visiting campus.

Best wishes,

Randal E. Bryant, PhD
Dean, School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
(412) 268-8821

Philip L. Lehman, PhD, SCS 1984, 1978
Chair, SCS Alumni Advisory Board
Member, SCS Dean’s Advisory Board