As Carnegie Mellon’s 2007/2008 Reunion Giving Chair, I invite you to join me by participating in Homecoming 2007 and our respective class Reunion Giving Efforts.

It’s true that Carnegie Mellon holds a different meaning for each of us. However, I hope you feel the same pride that I do as a graduate of such a world-renowned teaching and research institution.

Please join me in making a gift to the university this year as a way to honor your time at Carnegie Mellon and commemorate your reunion anniversary. Your contribution – of any amount – makes a direct and daily impact on today’s students and faculty.

You can make your gift online or by calling 412-268-3231.

Thank you for your support!


Evelyn Alessio Murrin, MM 1957
Chair, Reunion Giving Effort

P.S. – We hope you are planning to attend Homecoming and Reunion Weekend (October 25-28)! Register online or by calling the Alumni Office at 1-866-401-9529.