Cybersecurity: A Special E-Series
MySecureCyberspaceWelcome to the e-newsletter series for Carnegie Mellon Today's Special Edition: Cybersecurity. October is National Cybersecurity Month and we are sending you a series of four emails on this important topic.

These emails will provide you with expert information found in our newest Cybersecurity publication — helping you understand precautions you can take and what Carnegie Mellon University is doing to combat cyber threats.

As you know, security vulnerabilities in computer systems can affect every aspect of our lives — even for the most computer savvy. We are kicking off this e-series with a look at what's going on in the world of Cyber Education [.pdf].

Carnegie Mellon's CyLab and its Information Networking Institute (INI) are conducting critical research, developing "cyber tools" and educating the public to raise awareness on this issue.

A recent study commissioned by CyLab and INI reveals that while 55 percent of children engage in social networking on a regular basis, only 17 percent of parents think their kids visit social networking sites.

Carnegie Mellon researchers are working to transform Internet safety education for children and parents. Find out more about how children are learning to be good "cyber citizens" on and by reading the Cybersecurity Cyber Education [.pdf] article.
More on Cybersecurity
President Jared CohonFor more on the Cybersecurity publication and what Carnegie Mellon is doing, read President Jared Cohon's introductory letter [.pdf].

Keep Your Kids Safe
Carnegie CadetsThe Internet has a lot to offer children, but to many parents and educators it is a threatening place with predators lurking around every corner. Some of this concern is well-founded. Read More »

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