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As a second-year MBA student at Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business, I just finished Management Game. Game was the culmination of a year’s worth of classroom education and three months of internship work, and it pushed my limits every day.

Tepper is more than just academics, though. Two years ago, Dean Ken Dunn launched the W.L. Mellon Speaker Series, which brings C-level speakers to Tepper several times a year. This year’s lineup will provide amazing insight into some of the top managers in the world including: Charles Prince III, CEO, Citigroup, and Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman of the Board and CEO, General Electric.

Academic experiences, like Game, and extra-curricular initiatives, like the W.L. Mellon Speaker Series, provide an opportunity for MBAs to broaden our horizons and continually learn new and different things.  These opportunities are possible because of the many alumni and friends like you, who support the Tepper School of Business every year. Whether it’s student experience, scholarship aid or faculty support, your gifts allow Tepper to continue to push the boundaries of business education, preparing students for life after business school like few other institutions in the world.

It is why I am proud to support the Tepper School through our Class Gift campaign, and why I hope you will join me in making a gift. Your gift, of any amount, will help deliver the same life-changing experiences (including Game), to the next generation of business leaders.

We’re counting on you.


Jeremy Hastings, MBA 2008
President, Graduate Business Association

P.S.  Please make your gift online today.  As a Tepper School graduate, please consider directing your gift to the Tepper School Annual Fund.