Carnegie Mellon University E-Newsletter
Dear Parents,

Is your student a member of a fraternity or sorority? You now have the opportunity to support his/her Greek organization through the Annual Fund. Gifts to a fraternity or sorority are completely tax-deductible, and will directly benefit the designated organization.

Contributions will reside in a special fund and will be used to pay for leadership initiatives and scholarships, as well as for building repair and enhancement in a university-owned sorority or fraternity house.

To make your gift, visit and select “Other” from the pull-down “Designation” menu and type the intended Greek organization name in the “Comments” field.

As always, you can still designate a gift to other areas where your child is involved - whether it is a department, school/college, or student activity. Show your support by participating today!

Christy Thomas
Director of the Parents Leadership Program

Spring Carnival
Booth, Buggy and Beyond
“EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!”… Carnegie Mellon’s Spring Carnival made news this year with a theme that brought headlines to mind. The annual event aims to please kids of all ages — whether it's cheering on students racing through campus in their team-engineered “buggies” or exploring elaborate booths on the way to the Ferris wheel. The new mascot costume was unveiled at the opening ceremony…
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Al Gore to Keynote
Vice President, Environmental Leader to Speak to Carnegie Mellon Grads
Former U.S. Vice President and 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore will address Carnegie Mellon's 2008 graduates at the university’s 111th commencement ceremony this May…
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Greek Sing
It Just Keeps Getting Better
At this year's Greek Sing, Carnegie Mellon's sororities and fraternities “outperformed” themselves. Their efforts showcased 11 performances and raised a whopping $20,292 for Gilda’s Club of Western Pennsylvania — about $6,000 more than last year's fundraising with nearly 1,000 additional tickets sold…
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Smart People
Film Shot at Carnegie Mellon Opens
“Smart People” — the major motion picture from Miramax starring Dennis Quaid as a Carnegie Mellon English professor — is now in theaters. The movie, filmed at various locations on Carnegie Mellon’s campus and around Pittsburgh, also stars Sarah Jessica Parker as the professor’s former student and Ellen Page as his daughter…
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A Festival of Student Work
One week each year, Carnegie Mellon’s School of Drama takes an intermission from classes while student directors, designers, actors, technicians and playwrights collaborate on more than 40 productions of their own in “Playground: A Festival of Independent Student Work…”
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e-Voting in Japan
Student Research Alters Course
Japan has tried using e-voting in recent local elections but security failures have cast doubts on its viability. Hiroki Hisamitsu, a recent graduate of Carnegie Mellon’s MSIT-IS program in Kobe, performed a comprehensive study of the e-voting machines and operational processes during real elections in Japan…
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Hong Kong Parents Meet President Cohon
President Cohon meets with parents on a recent trip to Hong Kong


Remember, you can always check out the latest Carnegie Mellon news 24/7 at

    Family News
Commencement Weekend:
May 17 & 18

Carnegie Mellon’s 111th commencement ceremony will take place Sunday, May 18, 2008.
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Finals Schedule
Download Carnegie Mellon finals schedule in PDF format.
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For more news, visit our Parents & Family page.
    Important Links
Contact Us: Christy Thomas, Director of the Parents Leadership Program
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