Carnegie Mellon University

Students on a ride during spring carnival

August 02, 2022

Additional Details Regarding CMU Health Insurance & Waivers

It has come to our attention that a number of students and families have inquiries regarding the health insurance charge displayed on CMU’s  July invoice, as well as recently approved or pending health insurance waivers. Please note the following:

    • A number of waivers are still being processed. If you receive documentation requests from Hub International, please complete the requested information as quickly as possible. 
    • If your waiver was recently approved or is pending, and a health insurance charge is reflected on your student account and most recent invoice, then you do not need to pay the charge until a final waiver decision is made. When making a payment to your student account, you may subtract the health insurance charge from the balance due. 
    • If and when your waiver is approved, the health insurance charge will be credited back to your account. 
    • If your waiver ultimately is not approved, you will be enrolled in the medical CMU SHIP and will be responsible for paying the health insurance charge. 
    • You will not be held accountable for any interest charges while your waiver is being processed or pending. 

Questions about your student account may be directed to The HUB at Questions about health insurance enrollments and waivers, including waiver status and processing, may be directed to Hub International at or University Health Services at Information about late health insurance enrollments and waivers is currently detailed on the University Health Services website. 


Student Accounts Office