Carnegie Mellon University
July 14, 2024

Yesterday's Assassination Attempt

Dear Members of the CMU Community:

Last night, we were stunned to witness the tragic shooting and assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a political rally in Butler County, which is located an hour from our Pittsburgh campus. While details are still unfolding, our thoughts are with the victims and their families. This attack on a former president and current presidential candidate represents an assault on our democratic values. Political violence has no place in our society.

Regardless of one’s ideologies, there is no question that many in our community feel troubled and fearful about the current political climate. In times like these, we must come together as a nation and as a university community to condemn any form of violence, hatred and vitriol that threatens the political process and the principles that serve as the foundation of our democracy.

As I have said previously: At a time when extremism threatens to divide us, it is even more important that we reaffirm our commitment to building bridges of understanding by fostering dialogue that is civil, constructive and informed.


Farnam Jahanian
Henry L. Hillman President’s Chair