OBJECTIVE The goal of this work is the development of a computational method and tool for structural design that enhances designer creativity and knowledge through the generation of languages of innovative structures that embody multiple design goals.

TECHNICAL APPROACH shape annealing -a generative approach that combines a grammatical representation and design generation control through stochastic optimization using simulated annealing.

KEY FEATURES lateral exploration of design concepts (not deterministic structural optimization) languages of innovative designs for classes of structures consisting of multiple designs of similar quality with different styles multi-objective optimization for structural design using the goals of efficiency, economy, elegance and function

APPLICATIONS Planar trusses geodesic like domes

APPLICATIONS IN THE WORKS Tensegrity structures frames

SELECTED PAPERS Shea, K., and J. Cagan, “The Design of Novel Roof Trusses: Comparing Shape Annealing to Designers”, submitted to: ASME Design Theory and Methodology Conference, 1997. Shea, K., and J. Cagan, “Innovative Dome Design: Applying Geodesic Patterns with Shape Annealing”, accepted for publication in: Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing, 1996. Shea, K., J. Cagan, and S.J. Fenves, “A Shape Annealing Approach to Optimal Truss Design with Dynamic Grouping of Members,” accepted for publication in: ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 1996.
