Carnegie Mellon University

Alex Shi

Alex Shi

Quantitative Researcher - Jump Trading

What triggered your interest in quantitative finance?

During my undergraduate studies, I did not have a definitive career trajectory in my freshman year. Hence, I gravitated towards what seemed most appealing at the time: working in the financial industry, particularly within the bulge brackets. Through various internships, however, I came to recognize my preference for a profession rooted in logical reasoning and providing objective analysis. Quantitative finance emerged as the ideal synthesis of these criteria.

How did the MSCF program prepare you for this career?

Academically, my undergraduate degree in applied mathematics with a focus on quantitative finance provided a foundational understanding similar to that of the MSCF program. However, the MSCF curriculum offered comprehensive and advanced courses that significantly enhanced my knowledge base. The program's emphasis on practical projects mirrored real-world challenges, thus preparing me effectively for professional endeavors.

In terms of career services, the MSCF program offered invaluable support throughout the internship and job search process. The extensive alumni network and dedicated career services facilitated a thorough preparation for navigating the demanding and competitive job market. This guidance was instrumental in easing the rigors of the job-hunting journey.

How did your internship experience influence your career path?

The internship offered a unique opportunity for exploration and experimentation, allowing me to delve into various aspects of the financial industry, exploring different asset classes such as equity and fixed income. This invaluable experience not only helps in identifying my passions but also highlights areas that may not align with my interests. Importantly, The internship provided a conducive environment for asking questions and learning without the fear of making mistakes, fostering professional growth and clarity in career aspirations.

What do you enjoy most about your career?

The inherent objectivity within my profession is what I find most rewarding. As market participants, it's crucial to maintain a deep reverence for the market's dynamics. This entails rigorously adhering to research protocols and exercising discipline in trading decisions. Unlike roles that rely on presentations or speculative projections, success in this field is measured by tangible metrics, e.g PnL, Sharpe. This focus on concrete results reinforces the necessity for proficiency and integrity in navigating the market landscape.