Mike McCorvey

Peabody High School

Steve Garoff, Bob Suter, Physics

My name is Michael McCorvey. I will be entering my senior year at Peabody this Fall. This Summer I was supposed to work with Bob Suter in the X-Ray lab, but due to equipment failure, I worked with Molly Doernberg in Steve Garoff's lab. We are attempting to determine how saop solutions spread over a surface, if different kinds of soap molecules spread differently, and why.

In college I would like to mjor in Phisics, Biology, or Biomedical Engineering. I would like to attend MIT, Johns Hopkins, or Harvard. I am also looking into Renssalaer, Marquette, and CMU.

Mike and Molly's data was presented by Dr.Garoff at a Condensed Matter Physics Conference this Summer. Their research describes a newly-discovered phenomenon, and will be used in a graduate thesis.

Email Mike at mike3+@andrew.cmu.edu

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