Adam Perer

Taylor Allderdice high School

Mentor: Mike Widom, Physics

I am Adam Perer and, for the summer, a research assistant in Theoretical Physics. However, when I go to college I will probably end up majoring in Computer Science. My top choices for college are MIT and CMU, with Case Western and University of Illinios at Urbana-Champagne not too far behind.

I like this summer program a lot so far. Even though I'm working in physics, which I don't have a great deal of interest in, I am doing a lot of computer programming in the language C, and this is helping me with converting math formulas and logic into computer language.

More specifically, I am working with data of the movement of DNA strands through polymers through a process called electrophoresis. Instead of conducting the lab experiments, I use a computer simulation of the process. So far, I have been editing this simulation by adding new stuff to it and by extracting numbers from it. I have also been analyzing the data and seeing what useful information I have obtained. All in all it's been pretty exciting and quite an experience. I am learing a lot about stuff I probably never would have learned.

Adam recieves his fanmail at

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