Carnegie Mellon University

did you know?

June 20, 2024

DID YOU KNOW? Osher at CMU has borrowing privileges at Hunt Library!

As one of our benefits on campus, Osher at CMU members have borrowing access to many of the items that are housed in the Hunt Library. Osher Members are able to receive a library card and can check out books, journals/periodicals, movies, and music. 

CMU allows the same type of borrowing allocations to visitors and alumni, but for the fee of $75 per year. Library access is something that Osher at CMU has FOR FREE!

A list of the borrowing allocations can be found below, and also on the CMU Library here:

*This list is accurate as of June 2024. This list is subject to change at the Library's discrection.

We have a wonderful library system on campus, and we encourage you to utilize this opportunity to explore the campus.