Carnegie Mellon University

Post-Webinar - Neocortex: Summer 2022 Call for Proposals and System Overview

Presented on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 3:00 - 4:00 pm (ET), by Paola A. Buitrago: Principal Investigator & Neocortex Project Director, and AI and Big Data Director at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center; Dr. Natalia Vassilieva, Director of Product, Machine Learning at Cerebras Systems Inc.

This webinar presents the upcoming Summer 2022 Call for Proposals (NeocortexSummer2022CFP) and gives a system overview of Neocortex, an AI specialized NSF-funded supercomputer deployed at PSC/CMU.

For more information about Neocortex, please visit

View Neocortex Slides    View Cerebras Slides

Table of Contents

00:00 - Welcome
02:34 - Neocortex Overview and Summer 2022 Call for Proposals Intro
03:35 - The Neocortex System: Context
07:55 - The Neocortex System: Motivation
10:42 - Hardware Description
12:47 - Neocortex Summer 2022 Call for Proposals
18:36 - To Learn More and Participate
22:16 - Cerebras CS-2: the AI Compute Engine for Neocortex
23:08 - CS-2 Overview
30:58 - CS-2 for Deep Learning
50:32 - CS-2 for HPC
57:40 - CS-2 Conclusions


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