Carnegie Mellon University

Staff Council

The voice for staff at Carnegie Mellon University

Jacob Morton-Black

Jacob Morton-Black

Coordinator, Housefellow, Resnik House, Community Standards and Integrity

5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

I began my career at CMU in 2023. As a coordinator in OCSI, I help students, faculty, and staff navigate the academic integrity processes here at CMU, as well as the general conduct process. As a housefellow, I am in carge of the wellbeing of the Students in Resnik House, and supervise the RAs and CA in that house.

During my term, I would like to see Staff Council advocate for the long and short term success of staff members at CMU, so that we can advance the mission of the institution and advocate for the continued success of our students. I find that analysis and action are the two keys to group decision making. Analysis of issues and taking appropriate action to resolve them is (in my mind) an important part of representative leadership positions.