Carnegie Mellon University

Staff Council

The voice for staff at Carnegie Mellon University

Mary Ganska

Mary Ganska

Staff Council Chair 2024 - 2025
Staff Council Vice Chair 2023 - 2024
SC GEM Chair
Division 3
Assistant Director of Academic Services, Heinz College

5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

I began my career at CMU in 2017.

I serve as an immigration advisor to foreign students and scholars within Heinz College and the Tepper School of Business.

During my term, I would like to see the Staff Council facilitate greater conversations regarding relatively unknown benefits to the wider campus staff community. While there are many benefits, I want to be an advocate and connect others to needed resources, as well as benchmark other peer institutions to assist with staff advocacy.

The funniest or craziest thing that’s ever happened to me is: It is funny in retrospect, but when I was flying to New Zealand for my study abroad program, I lost my passport mid-flight. I almost wasn't allowed back on the plane when they had us deboard in Samoa, but luckily at the next layover in Tonga a helpful flight attendant found it for me!

If I could possess a super power:  Teleportation. So much time is spent getting from point A to point B, and I would love to have the ability to visit so many places on the weekends.