Carnegie Mellon University

Ahmed Abdulla

Ahmed Abdulla (E 2014)



Ahmed Abdulla is Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Carleton University, where he co-leads the Alternative Pathways for the Energy Transition (APEX) research group. Abdulla conducts interdisciplinary research on how energy technologies must be designed and deployed to help the world transition to a decarbonized energy system. He employs empirical data, optimization, and behavioural surveys to assess how the deployment of advanced technologies like small modular reactors, electric vehicles, and negative emissions technologies might unfold. Prior to Carleton, Abdulla held positions in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University and the Center for Energy Research at the University of California, San Diego. He received his PhD in Engineering and Public Policy from CMU in 2014. In his dissertation, “Exploring the Deployment Potential of Small Modular Reactors,” he investigated the likely cost, performance, and associated regulatory issues of small modular nuclear reactor designs.

First Author Publications during PhD

Abdulla, A., Azevedo, I.L., & Morgan, M.G. (2013). Expert assessments of the cost of light water small modular reactors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(24), 9686–9691.

Abdulla, A., & Morgan, M.G. (2015). Nuclear Power for the Developing World. Issues in Science and Technology, 31(2), 55–61.

Abdulla, A., Ford, M.J., Morgan, M.G., & Victor, D.G. (2017). A retrospective analysis of funding and focus in US advanced fission innovation. Environmental Research Letters, 12(8), 084016.