Carnegie Mellon University

amanda-chisholm.pngKara Scully

BS 2022 Chemical Engineering, Environmental & Sustainability Studies Minor


Kara Scully is an alum of Carnegie Mellon University, where they studied Chemical Engineering and pursued a minor in Environmental and Sustainability Studies. The technical courses Kara took reinforced vital math and science skills needed for their major. Both these technical courses and the humanities courses they took expanded their knowledge and love of sustainability overall. Some of Kara’s favorite courses were Climate Fictions and Chemistry and Sustainability. The ESS program’s interdisciplinary nature taught Kara the value of problem solving with a diverse team. They took some time after graduating to explore Pittsburgh and work with a small sustainable business. They are excited to continue their connection to CMU and the Steinbrenner Institute for Environmental Education and Research in the role of Program Assistant. You can contact Kara here!