Carnegie Mellon University

Wood Neuro Research Group

Carnegie Mellon University

Wood Neuro Research Group

Plan your next research collaboration with us:

Are you or someone you know interested in improving the next evolution of medical devices and studying Sickle Cell Disease?

The Wood Neuro Research Group is a highly collaborative lab group at Carnegie Mellon University’s Pittsburgh campus. We are always looking to work alongside motivated, subject experts and diverse thought leaders.

We are open to collaborate with research opportunities and/ or clinical investigations in the following fields:

  • Sickle cell disease (SCD)
  • Cognition
  • Pain
  • Neural imaging modalities
  • Vascular diseases impacting the brain (e.g., diabetes, stroke, etc.)

How you can get involved and opportunities for partnership:

  • Schedule a meeting with us to learn more about our projects and where your interests may be aligned with ours
  • Provide insights on difficulties you face in use of EEG, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), pulse-oximetry, etc. - identify problems you’d be most interested in solving
  • Help us collect NIRS, EEG, and pulse-oximetry data on patients and/or healthy individuals at your hospital or clinic to address these biases, including utilizing our existing solutions to improve recordings 
  • Co-develop solutions for analyzing and correcting for the difficulties of collecting NIRS, EEG, and pulse-oximetry data on Black individuals
  • Help us collect NIRS, EEG, and MRI data to analyze how SCD affects pain and cognition
  • Co-develop and test treatment options for SCD

Please reach out to research associates for future collaboration opportunities:

Elizabeth Meinert-Spyker -
Shidartho Roy -