Carnegie Mellon University

Project Management Center of Excellence

Designed to aid in expanding the availability of project management skills and capacity across Carnegie Mellon, a Center of Excellence (CoE) offers the explicit focus on providing the knowledge, mentoring, and skill building opportunities to assist in developing and empowering those that aspire and have related project management responsibilities in their respective units.

Expected Outcomes

  • Opportunity for individual and organizational growth in Project Management Fundamentals and Best Practices for those with an interest and inclination to lead projects at CMU
  • Expanded support for ongoing project management initiatives
  • Tools, techniques, and resources that can be related and leveraged across all administrative and academic units
  • Development of a community of practice amongst interdepartmental colleagues around a collection of shared experiences and techniques

Timeline and Milestones

Phase 1: Program Development


  • Compose program charter
  • Form Advisory Committee responsible for contributing to and advising on the instructional approach, community development, approval of the content, identification of instructors/facilitators, and providing strategic direction to the CoE, as needed

Phase 2: Launch Center of Excellence


  • Identify inaugural cohort of participants
  • Launch CoE instructional activities

Phase 3: Execution and Monitoring


  • Complete the PM CoE course for two cohorts
  • Provide adult learning theory with hands-on exercises and offer project management resources to CoE cohorts
  • Gather feedback to improve future courses
  • Develop a self-nomination process for prospective participants
  • Conduct a PM CoE alumni networking event
  • Create a CoE repository with project management resources (materials, documents, and course content) for current cohorts and alumni