Students, alumni and companies interested in the business climate of India now have a new online resource, the Carnegie Mellon Indian Business Network (CIBnet).

The network is designed to facilitate dialogue and host articles about businesses, employment and product development on the subcontinent.

CIBnet is the brainchild of Carnegie Mellon MBA student Saveen Pakala, who wanted to “help students get insights into the Indian business environment” and to “foster information exchange, knowledge sharing and opportunity generation.”

Realizing the growing importance of the Indian economy both to the United States and the world, Pakala said he hopes CIBnet will help to address the misconceptions and realities of doing business there. He credits recent MBA graduate Faraz Qureshi and business school alumni director John Sengenberger with providing the support and resources needed to bring his idea to the Web. The South Asian Business Association also assisted CIBNet, an organization that links CIBNet to campus activities.

Addressing both the misconceptions and realities of the Indian business environment, CIBNet encourages online discussions and written articles about Indian business that will further the learning and research about business in India. While promoting Carnegie Mellon in India, founders of CIBNet also hope to draw more Indian students to campus.

Because CIBNet provides information and discussion about business in the Indian subcontinent, the network is a valuable resource for many audiences—MBA students looking for jobs in India, alumni and Indian and U.S. companies.

CIBNet welcomes members from all ethnic groups and geographic locations.

For more, and to become a member, visit