Carnegie Mellon University

Requirements of the Major

The B.A./B.S. in Ethics, History, and Public Policy (EHPP) is an interdepartmental major offered jointly by the Departments of History and Philosophy.

Preparing students to be leaders is a vital goal of colleges and universities in every democratic society. The intellectual challenges facing public and private sector leaders have expanded dramatically since the pioneering EHPP program began in 1996, but the need remains as great as ever for broadly educated, ethically sensitive, and technically skilled leaders.

EHPP prepares students to demonstrate sophistication and flexibility in their command of interdisciplinary knowledge; deep historical understanding of how modern-day policy problems have emerged and evolved; and clear, rational criteria for ethical and socially just decision making. The curriculum provides students with a strong humanistic foundation for developing such high-level, historically grounded, and ethically attuned leadership capacities. It also offers ample room for specialization in a wide range of policy areas in which the History and Philosophy departments have special expertise, e.g., medicine and public health, criminal justice, environment, technology, artificial intelligence (AI), gender, civil rights, immigration, and education.

Major Requirements (120 Units)

Updated June 2024

Foundation Courses in History and Philosophy (18 units) 

73-102  Principles of Microeconomics
84-104  Decisions Processes in American Political Institutions 
84-110  Foundations of Political Economy 
Choose one of the following two courses:
79-189  Democracy and History: Thinking Beyond the Self
79-248  U.S. Constitution & the Presidency
Choose one of the following two courses:
80-130  Introduction to Ethics
80-330  Ethical Theory

Ethics and Policy Core (36 units)

Choose four of the courses below:

No more than one course may be taken at the 100 level and at least one course must be taken at the 300 level or above.

80-135   Introduction to Political Philosophy
80-136   Social Structure, Public Policy & Ethics
80-208   Critical Thinking
80-221   Philosophy of Social Science
80-234   Race, Gender, and Justice
80-244   Environmental Ethics
80-245   Medical Ethics
80-249   AI, Society, and Humanity
80-305   Game Theory
80-306   Decision Theory
80-321   Causation, Law, and Social Policy
80-324   Philosophy of Economics
80-330   Ethical Theory
80-335   Social and Political Philosophy
80-336   Philosophy of Law
80-348   Health, Human Rights, and International Development
80-447   Global Justice

History and Policy Core (36 units)

Choose four of the courses below:

79-175   Moneyball Nation: Data in American Life
79-204   American Environmental History
79-212   Jim Crow America
79-215   Environmental Justice from Conservation to Climate Change
79-234   Technology and Society
79-242   African American History: Reconstruction to the Present
79-248   U.S. Constitution & the Presidency
79-250   Voting Rights: An Introduction
79-278   How (Not) to Change the World
79-300   Controversial Topics in the History of American Public Policy
79-320   Women, Politics, and Protest
79-321   Documenting Human Rights
79-330   Medicine and Society: Health, Healers, and Hospitals
79-343   Education, Democracy, and Civil Rights
79-360   Crime, Policing, and the Law: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
79-370   Technology in the United States
79-380   Hostile Environments: The Politics of Pollution in Global Perspective

Foundation Courses in Law and Social Science (18 units)

Choose two of the courses below:

17-200   Ethics and Policy Issues in Computing          
19-101   Introduction to Engineering and Public Policy          
70-332   Business, Society and Ethics  
73-102   Principles of Microeconomics
73-103   Principles of Macroeconomics          
84-104   Decision Processes in American Political Institutions
84-110   Foundations of Political Economy     
84-352   Representation and Voting Rights     
84-393   Legislative Decision Making: US Congress     
84-402   Judicial Politics and Behavior 
88-281   Topics in Law: 1st Amendment          
88-284   Topics of Law: The Bill of Rights     

EHPP students will also be able to complete the Foundations of Law and Social Science category by participating in the Washington Semester Program. Students are encouraged to pursue additional policy-relevant courses in law and social science, along lines consistent with their career ambitions.

EHPP Capstone Course (12 units)

In Fall semester of senior year, EHPP students will participate in an interdisciplinary capstone course that asks students to integrate their studies in Ethics and History by addressing a policy topic of contemporary national urgency (e.g., climate change, immigration, infrastructure, abortion, hate speech, reparations, law enforcement and policing, charter schools, affirmative action, vaccination, taxation, voting rights, global justice). The Departments of History and Philosophy will alternate teaching the EHPP Capstone Course (79-449).

Bachelor of Science Option

Students may elect to earn a Bachelor of Science rather than a Bachelor of Arts degree by completing two courses from the list below, or by petitioning the Director of EHPP to accept equivalent courses as substitutions.

21-257    Models and Methods for Optimization
36-202    Methods for Statistics & Data Science
or 70-208 Regression Analysis
36-303    Sampling, Survey and Society
36-309    Experimental Design for Behavioral & Social Sciences
70-257    Optimization for Business
80-305    Game Theory
80-306    Decision Theory
88-251    Empirical Research Methods
88-221    Markets, Democracy, and Public Policy
88-223    Decision Analysis
88-300    Programming and Data Analysis for Social Scientists