Carnegie Mellon University

Ezelle Sanford

Ezelle Sanford III

Assistant Professor, History

  • Baker Hall 239C
  • 412-268-6103


Dr. Ezelle Sanford III is an Assistant Professor of History at Carnegie Mellon University and Visiting Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University. His scholarship sits at the intersection of African American, medical, and urban histories. He is particularly interested in histories of race, science, and medicine from the 19th  century to the present.  He is currently working on a book project titled, Segregated Medicine: How Racial Politics Shaped American Healthcare, which utilizes the case of St. Louis’s Homer G. Phillips Hospital, America’s largest segregated hospital in the mid-twentieth century, to trace how the logic and legacy of racial segregation established structures of healthcare inequality that persist to this day. His work has been featured in popular and academic publications and has received several fellowships and awards.

Book Project:

  • (Under Contract) Segregated Medicine: How Racial Politics Shaped American Healthcare (forthcoming) Columbia University Press.


Media Appearances

  • Fitzpatrick, Joyce, and Brian Shackleford. The Color of Medicine: The Story of Homer G. Phillips Hospital. Film, Documentary, 2018.

Courses Taught

  • Introduction to African American History: Black Americans and the World
  • Jim Crow America 
  • Medicine and Society: Health, Healers, and Hospitals

Department Member Since: 2021