Carnegie Mellon University

About SSyMBioTIC

Building Actuators for Next Generation Sustainable Bio-bots

The emerging field of biohybrid robotics shows that recent advances in tissue engineering can integrate living muscles in relatively simple devices. However, several challenges limit biohybrid actuators' scalability, longevity, control, and power. We propose an integrated multidisciplinary research effort to move biohybrid actuators beyond the proof-of-concept scale. We seek to understand the effects of synthetic scaffolds, life-support systems, electro-, and photo-neuromuscular interfaces, and local feedback control systems on biohybrid actuator performance, adaptability, and longevity. Furthermore, we will validate our understanding by integrating principles from our basic research with computational tools and predicting and validating the performance of biohybrid actuators with enhanced scale, longevity, and force. Throughout our research, we will enhance and broaden the impact of our work through collaborations with researchers at the Army Research Lab, the Naval Research Lab, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.


SSyMBioTIC leverages the expertise and talents of researchers of Carnegie Mellon University, Northwestern University, and The Georgia Institute of Technology to improve the strength, lifespan, and control of biohybrid actuators. This collaboration builds a network of stakeholders across academic institutions and national research laboratories to enhance research outcomes, share fabrication systems, and create workforce pipelines through personnel exchanges.