We've Hit the End, but There's More!

The University Center is home to virtually every area of the university's social and recreational opportunities. Inside you'll find the Dining Gallery, conference rooms, ballrooms, study lounges, a coffeehouse, Entropy (our on-campus convenience store), and the bookstore. It also holds the "new gym," with athletic facilities which include basketball and volleyball courts, racquetball and squash strength-training equipment and exercise equipment. In addition, student organizations, including the school's newspaper and yearbook staffs, and other groups have office space on the third floor. In the basement you can find the University Postal Services, the Career Center, WRCT, Carnegie Mellon's radio station, and the Scotland Yard game room.

McConomy Auditorium turns int oa student-run cinema four nights a week. Admission for students is one dollar. Foreign or independent films are shown Thursdays; Fridays and Saturdays show second-run films; and Sundays are whatever the students feel like playing, such as a marathon of popular television shows or all the Indiana Jones films back-to-back.

As you near the end of your tour, don't forget to check out Carnegie Mellon's dining areas! On the second floor you'll find the Dining Gallery featuring a salad bar, café and deli, Si Señor, made-to-order Italian, Kosher Korner and more. Carnegie Mellon offers a variety of food for a diverse student body.

Read on to learn more about Carnegie Mellon!

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