Carnegie Mellon University

Research Highlights

  • April-22: Michael D. Smith was quoted in a story about Netflix’s new “two-thumbs up” features and how it helps the platform better understand its user’s preferences.
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Policy Highlights

  • April-23: The Hudson Institute published Michael D. Smith’s policy memo titled “What the Online Piracy Tells Us About Copyright Policymaking.” 
  • October-22: Michael D. Smith was interviewed by Lifewire about the Supreme Court’s decision to hear two cases regarding social media platform’s legal liability for algorithmically promoting harmful videos.

  • August-21: Michael D. Smith was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article about piracy of movies resulting from streaming sources.
  • March-20: Michael D. Smith provided testimony to The Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property at a hearing entitled “Copyright Law in Foreign Jurisdictions: How are other countries handling digital piracy?”.
  • November-19: IDEA research was cited in a recent decision by the Indian High Court to allow 'dynamic injunctions' designed to block access to pirate websites.