Carnegie Mellon University

Our mission is to enable AI for intelligent augmentation of business, or “AI for IA”. By reimagining traditional problems in Management Science in light of new data and analytical capabilities, we are brainstorming models for Management Science 2.0. 

AI is having a significant impact on corporations by integrating into the core functions of the firm such as finance, operations, and marketing. These functions have been traditionally managed using a set of methodologies that have been collectively termed Management Science. To integrate AI effectively, these functions must be reimagined in light of new data, information, and analytical capabilities enabled by AI. Our vision is to use this big change in the commercial world to define Management Science 2.0.

How we turn our vision into reality:

  • Work with corporate partners to identify new business problems framed by data-rich contexts. Through our Center Coffee Chats, we form interdisciplinary teams of faculty and doctoral students across CMU to brainstorm solutions and begin research project discussions.
  • Help match corporate partners to educational project opportunities to enrich the experiential learning component for our students as well as gain a deeper

We welcome engagement with companies faced with incorporating the new data technologies into their core business. Use this site to explore our expertise, discover synergies with our educational programs, and find out how to engage with us. Or, learn more about our approach


Professor R. Ravi, Director, Center for Intelligent Business, Andris A. Zoltners Professor of Business, and Professor of Operations Research and Computer Science


News & Events

A Rhetorical Approach for Reimagining Business Writing Instruction in the AI Age

Emily DeJeu, Assistant Teaching Professor of Business Communication, shares research on how generative AI can disrupt professional writing instruction, and outlines a rhetorical approach for adapting business writing instruction for the AI age:

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Center for Intelligent Business and Google Partner to host Generative AI Innovation Challenge

The competition, designed to explore genAI, drew just over 200 graduate and undergraduate students across Carnegie Mellon University to create new applications that address real-world problems in business, education, and more.

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