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(from left to right) The CMU team consists of Carolina Da Cunha Carreira, a Ph.D. student, Cleotilde Gonzalez, Anu Aggarwal, a research associate, and  Maria Ferreira, a post-doctoral fellow in the Gonzalez lab.
Joyce (Xinyi) Wang
Theresa Mayer, vice president for research at Carnegie Mellon, gave the opening remarks at the PQI conference.
Farnam Jahanian speaks at CMU-Q Commencement.
Kasey Creswell
A participant at the He Lab looking at a screen.
Farnam Jahanian
Kate Zernike speaks at the Scientists and Strategists lecture in 2024.
abstract blue and green image
Guy Blelloch, Gary Fedder, Robert Kass, Anthony Rollett and Elias Towe
The cast of "Stereophonic." Photo by Julieta Cervantes
Lenore Blum standing at a podium.

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