Carnegie Mellon University
June 13, 2024

Announcing the Osher at CMU Member Directory

Has there ever been a time you're in class and you meet someone who you like, but have no way to contact them when the course is over? Have you ever seen a face many times, but cannot remember their name? We have found a way to fix that!

Introducing the Osher at CMU Member Directory. This is a voluntary program where members can share their contact information, photo, and interests with other Osher Members! We're using new directory software with a strong privacy policy to allow members of Osher to share their information with their peers. 

How does this work?

  1. Go to and click on Member Sign-In and login to the registration website.
  2. From the toolbar, click "Member Directory" which will take you to the login page of the new program
  3. In the bottom section of the login screen, click on "Click here to create an account." 
    PLEASE NOTE: This is a seperate system that you will need to create an account to access. Your registration site login credentials will NOT access the directory.
  4. After you've entered your information, you will need to wait for approval from the office for your account to be complete. Approvals will only occur during Osher at CMU business hours.
  5. You will receive an email once your account has been approved. 
  6. Once you've received your approval notice, you'll be able to login and add your photo and any additonal information that you'd like to provide!

What kind of information can I put in my profile?

You can add as much or as little information as you'd like to share into your profile. The only two fields that are required to create an account are your email address and a username. 

We have created a sample profile for inspiration on how to set up your own profile, and can be viewed inside the directory!


Additional info is up to your discretion. You get to choose what these fields will be. We recommend an About Me section, Hobbies, or Favorite Book/Movie/Artist.

Here's how it looks when you are embelishing your account:


The intended use of this directory is for Osher at CMU members to reach out to other Osher at CMU members. This is not intended to be used for mailing lists or promotional material. Should we receive a report on misuse of the system, we will remove directory access from the individuals. 

If you have any questions about the program, please email and we will be able to help you!